talking to myself about all that i'm fixin to accomplish...CLASSIC ag routine

9 months ago

finally wearing my seatbelt
annie lennox is the shit
propaganda is the realest dinosaur that you will ever meet
nothing says sheep like supporting israel
ronnit can handle me n she understands so...
if it was real medicine they wouldn't have to coerce you into taking it
most go along w/ the mainstream narrative cos it's easier
the devil has consistently fucked w/ me via confusion
i can't really enjoy socializing
just know that i'm disassociating the majority of the time
sheep voluntarily subject themselves to all kindza things that they don't have to do
i officially gave up whatever normalcy i had hoped to achieve thru doin standup comedy
the world can't stop proving that it's full a shit
people on tv are paid, OBVIOUS FACT
the mandela effect in the real time
the world is the complete opposite of the truth
those that trust the world are completely duped
i get the reluctance of waking up in this shithole
if this doesn't inspire Jesus's return i dunno what will
if you hate the world you are right
it's possible to resist attempts to turn away from God
i had to go to Hell so i could come back n talk about it
i haven't smoked weed for over a year now
i miss smoking weed every time i drive
i can't wait to smoke cigarettes in Heaven
the lie of routine is that it helps you accomplish things
if i just do this bad thing habitually...

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