Elephant Tells Cyclist He Shall Not Pass

6 years ago

Elephants are the largest land animals in the world. They are well-known for living in matriarchal female-led social groups, and although they are respected and revered by people throughout their ranges in Africa and South Asia, they are also feared because they can be aggressive and dangerous. This man was riding his bicycle when an elephant started running towards him. The reason why this elephant chased this man is really amazing!

Cycle like your life depends on it! This elephant stormed towards this cyclist while he was riding his bike on the streets but luckily the cyclist got away fast and the elephant did not chase him a lot!

The elephant waited a few seconds on the road to make sure everything is okay and then after the elephant made sure that the roads are safe and the cars backed up, she got her little baby elephants so they can cross the road safely! One mama at the back and one at the lead. Perfect harmony! The animal kingdom understands survival and security better than the human race.

We like how the elephant maturely signals to its family - "Come now!". So that was the reason the road needed to be clear! They look so happy! So, in this case, we must not see the cyclist being attacked or chased, this is just an elephant making sure the little ones cross the road safely! In the end, nobody got hurt and the little ones were safe!

Credit to 'Jasoprakas Debdas.

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