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Prophet Amanda Grace - Urgent Prophecy Fulfilling - President of Iran is Dead a Must Watch -caption
Amanda discusses the unfolding events in Iran and their connection to prophetic warnings she had been given in the past. She highlights the recent helicopter crash in Iran that resulted in the deaths of the president and foreign minister, linking it to specific prophecies God had made through her years earlier. Amanda emphasizes the need for prayer for the people of Iran, particularly the underground church, and warns of potential repercussions for other nations, including the United States, Canada, Germany, England, France, Spain, South Africa, and Egypt. Amanda's passionate delivery and detailed analysis underscore the seriousness of the situation and the need for vigilance and prayer.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Amanda! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Video Transcript:
Guys, I, my phone was blowing up yesterday as this was unfolding and so, when I went back and looked at what was prophesied, well, my jaw kind of dropped and you have that oh dear God moment in your flesh for a moment when you'd see it but there is some very serious prophecy fulfilling right now in the Earth and in Iran but I be lieve this prophecy fulfilling is going to begin to change the landscape of Iran which going to affect the entire Middle East. So, let's get into it.
Yesterday reports started breaking. I'm going to show you the different news reports and the journey of this story. So here's from the AP yesterday probably in I don't know the about the afternoon time. Iran's hard line president still missing after likely helicopter crash in foggy mountainous region. Okay so here's the initial ports that we had the initial reports yesterday. Uh there's also a Another here it is. Iranian president's helicopter missing after hard landing. Now I want you to remember the word hard. Okay? Here are today's headlines that I'm about to show you. Iran's president. Ibrahim Reisi killed in helicopter crash along with foreign minister state media confirms that was from CBS News I believe. Um here is the other one from the Wall Street Journal. Iranian President foreign minister killed in helicopter crash. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini announced his successor as condolences stream in and some inside Iran celebrate. And this is what it says. Iranian President Ibrahim Raisei was killed in a helicopter crash on Sunday depriving Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini of a long time ally as Tehran angles for regional dominance through armed militias that are fighting the US and Israel Raisi's death was announced early Monday after state television reported Sunday afternoon that a helicopter carrying him in foreign minister thank you very much Hussein Amir Abdullah Hain had made a difficult landing in Northwestern Iran. Hours after Raisi's death was confirmed Kamini announced five days of national mourning and appointed Mohammed Makbar first vice president as the new head of the executive branched. Ali Baghhari Khani who has close family ties with Kamanian previously led Iran's delegation in nuclear talks with the west was appointed foreign minister. Okay so There's another news story. Now, keep em what line the word hard in this too. I want you to remember that word. Okay. This is from NBC News. Iranian President Raisi killed in helicopter crash Foreign Minister Hussein Amir Abdullah Hayen and seven other people were also confirmed dead in the crash along with President Ibrahim Raisi state media reported. Okay. So, that's the journey or the evolution, right? Of this story and what happened and has transpired over the past twenty-four hours. Now, before we get into the prophecy I'm going to point out to you three events Sadie's on the computer so you might see her tail on the desk I'm going to point out to you three events that led up to this before this happened that we have to take note of before we get into the prophecy now keep in mind that this happened within the 50 this is happening within the 50-day window that started at Passover and goes to on June 11th, 2020 where the Jews received the law at Mount Sinai remember I told you there were two very serious windows we were about to embark on and I warned of this I started warning of this last July but late January early February I started warning about these two windows back to back the 39-day window between Purim and Passover and the 50-day window between Passover and Shavot and how serious these windows were going to Now, 50 is the Jubilee, right? 50 is the Jubilee. That's the that's the that's the fifty is basically you know, it's seven every seven years or every seven is a Schmita. It takes seven Schmitas to make a Jubilee and it was a it was the 50th anniversary, right? Of the Yom Kippur war back in October 2023 when Iran's proxy Hamas brutal attacked Israel okay it was October 7th, 2023, the attack happened May 2024 the month we're in now is the seventh month from the attack in October that started the war the foreign minister the president foreign minister and and and six others are dead so it says the foreign minister and seven others are dead so there's the Number seven again, right? The attack was on October 7th. May is seven months since the war and the foreign minister and seven others are dead is what is being now reported. So keep that in mind. 50 is the jubilee also where captives get set free. What was stolen must be returned. Land must be given back to the people and it was the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur war that the attack, this brutally horrific attack by a Ranch Proxy Hamas was launched. Okay. So keep all this in mind. Now the first full day of Passover April twenty-fourth 20twenty-four in London the clock Big Ben's hand freezes at 9 AM for more than an hour before famous clock sounds the wrong number of bombs in major malfunction. Two years after it was refurbished. This is from the Daily Mail. Okay Okay. I not only did a live about this but I did a short. You can see it on all of our platforms. I believe it says prophetic alert when Ben stops Judah begins. It's something like that but it's a short. It's on all of our platforms. You can go and watch it. Now, I had said when Ben stops, Saul was from the tribe of Benjamin, right? When Saul fell, right? Because of what he did. The reign of Judah began. David was from the tribe of Judah. So, when Ben stops, Judah begins and I had warned that this was a sign and a warning of a major changing of the guard that was about to happen throughout the Earth. Also, because you can't make all this stuff up. Right before the Kentucky Derby. Remember I did the prophetic mystery that was in this year's Kentucky Derby. By the way, speaking of that, Catching Freedom came in third in a photo finish with Mystic Dan who ended up second. So, I am telling you, Catching Freedom is the horse to watch in the Belmont after all of this and that's just a side note. But right before the Kentucky Derby which was May 4th 20 twenty-four, a horse that was supposed to be in the derby was injured and taken out of the race. So, first Big Ben freezes, right? And then no more time leaves the race. Okay so let's continue. Now, we're going to get to the to the prophecy and we're going to go back to 2021 and we're going to go all the way to the eve of Passover. April 22nd 20 twenty-four when the most serious one was issued against Iran and its leadership. So, May 17th 2021. The funneling of funds, the channels that make a tunnel from Iran to Hamas. Now, this is years ago shall be disrupted says the lord of hosts and the advisers to the Ayatollah shall be struck. The president and foreign minister by the way are both advisers to the Ayatollah. The advisors to the Ayatollah shall be struck. There shall be leadership in oh oh shall be struck. There shall be leadership in this hour for this is a tipping point says the Lord. Shall be wade and unexpected strikes to leadership of those who threaten Israel. Of Canada and of the US. Watch Germany as well says the lord in this hour. So, leadership, right? A strike to leadership. First, it was that the advisors to the Ayatollah shall be struck, okay? This is happening right now. This was three years ago almost to the day. I gave this May 17th 2021. Also, Canada, the United States, and Germany are all named in this word as well. So, now that we see this unfolding with Iran, make sure you keep Watch of the leadership of Canada, the United States, and Germany right now because this is now coming to pass. Okay, June 9th 2022. And says the Lord of hosts. Israel is about to make a very, this is all capital's bold move. An urgent move. And Iran shall have one of the largest hits and losses it has ever had as their web shall be hit in its corners and torn down says the Lord of hosts. Watch and see as it erupts on the news. And leaves a Iran in a very vulnerable position. Judgment has come to the house of the Ayatollah and entered its halls says the Lord of hosts this day. That was June, 9th 2022. Now that we see this unfolding I would say that the is not very far off from being removed either if he doesn't repent. I I would I seeing all of this unfolding I would say to watch that. But judgment has entered the house of the judgment has come to House of the Ayatollah and entered its hall says the Lord of hosts. This is June 9th, 2022 by the way almost a year and a half before the October 7th attack because it says Israel's about to make a very bold move, an urgent move. Okay, that happened and Iran shall have one of the largest hits. Okay. So, this is now beginning to unfold as well. This was a year and a half before the October seventh this is almost two years okay later because we are about to enter in about two weeks June 2024 February 10th, 2023 and says the spirit of the lord this day the leadership of Iran is on a crumbling pedestal and the innocent blood they shed is being accounted to them for their wage for their bridge is about to fall down for the people are desperate in crying out I the lord hear their cries and I the lord are moving upon my first born to covertly assist the people of Iran as leadership shall be removed under mysterious circumstances as some deep within the government of Iran are assisting Israel the Bonhoeffers who see the sheer evil of such leadership I the lord in protecting them and they are assisting Israel all capitals here for a big strike and blow is coming and it shall rattle the UN how such was done and China shall puff up once again and be hit in the core that deflates and decompresses them yet again. So the first part of this is leadership of Iran is on a crumbling pedestal and then he says he Israel is covertly assisting right and then he says leadership shall be removed under mysterious circumstances this is what we see happening now now that this is happening we have to also watch the UN and China puff up because it talks about it in this word when we see this happening with these other things will happen in tandem of that okay February twenty-six twenty twenty-three This was at Church International. Spirit of Lord Hit Me. I prophesied in flow. This is an excerpt from that. I the Lord thy God made the Philistines bow. I the Lord thy God made Israel bow. I the Lord thy God am beginning to break the back of the Ayatollah because Iran will bow. And I the Lord thy God am raising up a plan and a strategy in Israel that is going to surround Iran on all sides. And it is going to encapsulate them says the Lord. It is going to encapsulate them. And it is going to cause the handshake that was seen with a red nation to be severed and broken says the Lord. Because demons squabble says the Lord. Demons squabble. And you shall publicly says the Lord. See that squabbling begin. For I am calling through the darkness in the noise. Benjamin son of my right hand. I am calling through the darkness and I'm going to cause you to turn to my word and to know in whom your salvation is and he shall know it and at some point in his life he shall declare it says the lord for he is coming under that yoke and he will be the ox for me says the lord that topples the regime of Iran he shall be the ox for me that helps plow the fields in America for your nation is meant to be a friend and a brother to Israel and that needs to be reconciled in this season says the lord This is before the October 7th attack. So what the Lord was talking about is now. For they have attempted to separate it. They have attempted to sever the relationship and destroy it. And in this season by my bomb I the Lord shall begin to soothe the wounds and the boils that are broken out and heal that relationship. And those that want to be Saul's and go after their own people. You shall fall by your own sword this season, you shall. When Ben stops, Judah begins. For you have turned to the way of Cain. Okay, this leads up to the April 9th to we're leading up to the April 22nd prophecy, okay? So, April 19th 20 twenty-four. Basically, Iran sends 331 missiles, drones, and rockets at Israel, right? And three actually the number 331 because every letter in Hebrew represents a number equals the name Emmanuel which means God with us and that is exactly what happened. The lord rose up and all of those missiles were struck down and they had actually allies from the Abraham Accord rise up even though they've been critical of Israel, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia assisted in that as as did the US but this is what I said April 19th 2024 it was the sixth hour that darkness came over the whole land now why am I saying that in the book of Luke when Jesus is nailed to the cross and he is crucified at Calvary it says in the sixth hour darkness came over the land which I believe would be 9 AM our time is the sixth hour and so it states that I believe in the book of Luke and the it was the sixth hour that darkness came over the land okay it is the 6th -0 and the darkness lasted till the ninth hour okay the account says it was the sixth month okay so basically it has been six months since the war started October 2023 this is the May is the sixth month I believe since the war. So if we do it November, December, January, March, April, May. It's actually 7 months. But and I'll get into that. But it was the sixth hour that darkness came over the land. The reason why that was said was because these rockets missiles and drones were sent in the month of April. April was the sixth month since the war started. So the war started in October. April is the sixth month. May is the 7th month. It was the Sixth hour that darkness comes over the land. The sixth month April when Iran fires this, it goes til the ninth month which would be July. May would be the seventh month when now the president and foreign minister and six others are killed. Why? Because darkness comes over the land in the sixth hour, April when Iran fires this, it goes til the ninth month which would be July. May would be the seventh month when now the president and foreign minister and six others are killed. And then that leads us back to April twenty-2nd 20 twenty-four on the eve of Passover. Thus says the Lord. Fear not for I am with you. Be not dismayed for I am capital your God. Behold I will strengthen you. I will uphold you with my capital righteous right hand says The Lord of hosts. Be ready my capital children. Gird up your loins in an hour of tumult. And shaking and prideful rebellions rising in the earth. Leaders saying in their hearts I will ascend as high as the heavens. I will destroy those who in their hearts they have entertained such a pious position says the lord thus says the lord pride cometh before destruction and a haughty spirit before a big fall says the lord remember the word hard I told you remember the word hard it's coming for serpents have risen up for a strike the prince of Persia that spirit has risen up in a rebellion to stir the people of that land says the Lord thus says the Lord. The rise shall bring a hard fall. Now we'll go back to the news article in a minute. The rise shall bring a hard fall for the Iotolis Court says the Lord. For the courts of nations that have welcomed the persecuting spirit in and have entertains its offer says the Lord. Those nations in this time are set to be threshed says The Lord. He's bringing them to the threshing floor. Thus says the Lord. The underground church in Iran. Your shackles are about to come off says the Lord. Your redemption draweth nigh says the Lord. Call unto me that's capitalized meaning the Lord. People of Iran. For your leaders are bringing your nation under a curse. Woe and that's capitalized. W O E that means cursed. In in the Old Testament when it said woe unto it means cursed onto them. So woe unto them says the Lord. Woe capital unto them. Woe. He says it three times capital. Unto their meeting with Russia. Woe unto Russia says the Lord. You trifle too close to all capitals. My land and my business says the Lord. You shall be roped and tied as cattle for how you think you will interfere. You shall be bound from going as far as you so desire says the Lord. So I'm going to repeat this because it is so important. The the wording God uses April 22nd 2024 the eve of Passover. This is what was prophesied. And the spirit of the Lord says this day. Fear not for I am with you. Be not dismayed for I am capital your God. Behold I will strengthen you. I will uphold you with my capital righteous right hand says The Lord of hosts. Be ready my capital children. Gird up your loins in an hour of tumult and shaking and prideful rebellions rising in the earth. Leaders saying in their hearts I will ascend as high as the heavens. I will destroy those who in their hearts they have entertained such a pious position says the lord. Now, When he's saying I will destroy those he's talking about these leaders. Thus says the Lord. Pride cometh before destruction and a haughty spirit before a big fall says the Lord for serpents have risen up for a strike. The prince of Persia that spirit has risen up in a rebellion to stir the people of that land says the Lord. Thus says the Lord. The rise shall bring a hard fall for the court. So the lord say here? There's going to be a hard fall and it's going to be the Iotolis Court. Who is the Iotolis Court? His advisers, the president, the foreign minister. For the Iotolis Court, says the Lord. For the courts of nations that have welcomed the persecuting spirit in and have entertained its offers, says the Lord. Those nations in this time are set to be threshed, says the Lord. When the Lord says that, they used to bring wheat and I think barley as well to the threshing floor where they would beat it and shake it and separate the good part of the wheat from the part that needed to be thrown away. So, when the lord is saying these nations are set to be threshed, he's saying they're about to be beaten and shaken and the part that is not good and usable thrown away and the part that is usable kept. This is what he's saying here now. He said a hard fall for the Ayatollahs Court. Let's go back to the news article now. Let's go back to the report.
Uh, let's see. The Washington Post one please I think. Iranian president's helicopter missing after a what? A hard landing. Hard. What did the word say? Cuz they kept using the word hard landing initially and then the story got changed to they were killed. Now Thus says the Lord, the rise shall bring a hard fall for who? For the Iotolis Court. So what was in this word is literally in these headlines. And this was April 22nd 20 twenty-four. Now do we celebrate in anyone's death? No because if these men did not repent and call up to Jesus Christ on the way down. You know the thought about where they went. You see what I'm saying? So, and I have a moment in my flesh when I see these things happen. It puts the fear of God in you like the hairs on your body stand up because you realize God is a loving God and he's absolutely good and he's long suffering but when the grace period has thinned and you have touched his children and you have tried to destroy them and you have chanted death to them and you have tried everything you could do to challenge an active living covenant that sits in a courts of almighty God there is a point where God and the justice of Yahweh remember the lord had warned me December 2023 the justice of Yahweh has entered the earth there is a time that that justice is written on a scroll it leaves the mouth of God and it goes forth into the earth to accomplish the purpose that the lord has spoken the lord has been warning of this for two years not really two three. They had three years to repent. If we go back to and they had longer than that, I'm just saying from the time these words were released. May 17th 2021. The funneling of funds, the channels that make a tunnel from Iran to Hamas shall be disrupted says the Lord of hosts and the advisers to the Ayatollah shall be struck. That was the first warning. The advisers to the Ayatollah were going to be struck down first. You know what that means then? The justice of Yahweh is coming for the Ayatollah of Iran. Is coming for the Ayatollah. If this how and that justice is on its way if things don't change. And the lord says that leadership was being weighed. He says this in this word from 2021 and unexpected strikes to leadership of those who threaten Israel. So, he's warning now. If you continue to threaten Israel, there's going to be unexpected strikes to the leadership of those nations. No one expected this helicopter to go down and he warns the advisers to the Ayatollah will be struck. If this is the course, they continue on. So, the lord says this May 17th 2020 One. And then it continued and he warned again in 2022 June, 9th 2022. Watch and see as it erupts on the news and leaves Iran in a very vulnerable position. Judgment has come to the house of the Ayatollah and entered its hall says the Lord of hosts. So the warning is given twenty twenty-one. Over a year later in this word from the Lord he says now the judgment has been entered Once the judgment is entered then the appropriate action has been taken. So we were warned back in 2022 the judgment had been entered. Then twenty twenty-three, the leadership of Iran is on a crumbling pedestal. So, already without them knowing because that judgment was entered in twenty twenty-two, they were on a crumbling pedestal, okay? And the innocent blood they shed is being accounted to them for their wage. What does the word of God say? The wages of sin is death. That's what this says and the innocent blood they shed is being accounted to them for their wage, for their bridge is about to fall down, for the people are desperate and crying out. The wages of sin is death. And he talked here how Israel was going to covertly assist the people of Iran and he also says in this word from February 10th, 2023 leadership shall be removed under mysterious circumstances as some deep within the government of Iran are assisting Israel a sudden helicopter crash I would call mysterious circumstances because we have seen that happen in the US if all of you remember Kobe Kobe Bryant and what happened there that was sure mysterious and this is mysterious and this was warned February of 2023 February 10th right about 16 days later February 26, 2023 in that word from the Lord at Church International he says I the Lord thy God am beginning to break the back of the Ayatollah this is Before the October 7th attack, the lord said, he is beginning to break the back of the Ayatollah. Well, now we're seeing that back really breaking because what is the back? What is the spine? It's the backbone, right? It's the foundation of which things are connected to of which functions are connected to. So, he's saying he's beginning to break the back of the Ayatollah because Iran will bow. Because Iran will bow. And he was going to destroy he says pride cometh before destruction and a haughty spirit before a big fall says the Lord. For serpents have risen up for a strike. The prince of Persia that spirit has risen up in a rebellion to stir the people of that land. And then he says woe three times. He says the the Lord says call on to me capital people of Iran for your leaders are bringing your nation under a curse. Woe unto them says the Lord. Woe unto them. Two woes against the leaders. And then he says woe unto their meeting with Russia. That's separate. Woe unto them says the Lord. Woe unto them. You know that was signaling two major leaders were going to pass. Two major leaders were going to be struck down because he says woe unto them twice. Cursed unto them. Twice. Who were the two major individuals in that crash? The President of Iran and the foreign minister. Woe on them. Woe unto them. I'm going to tell you something. The lord is not playing in this hour. He's not playing. He's not playing around. Part of the church has neutered God and made him out to be a harmless little kitten. When he is the God of the entire universe, he spoke it and it was and he can speak it and it is no more. And we have to have a reverence for that. Reverence needs to return to the church in serving God. God is loving and and the love of God is transforming and those that were lost are found and get transformed who open their hearts to it and that love is incredible but love has many faces and I'm going to tell you something. There's God the king and there's God the father and when you touch God the father's children, when you threatened death to their entire nation, when you threaten death to his adopted children through the covenant, God the father the lion of Judah comes out to protect his children, his covenant, his firstborn, and his adopted. God the father is the one who sent Moses to Egypt and said, let my people go. Let my children go or else. If someone's trying to kidnap your child and put them in bondage, let me tell you something. You know, that lion's going to come out of you too and you would do everything you could to protect them. So, when you have God the father, right? God the king rules, right? And reigns and brings justice and righteousness, then you have God the father who wants to protect his kids from the serpents that have been Let loose in the earth. And this is God the father. Talking in part of this. God the king is talking in some of this too but you see God the father. Because you've chanted death to Israel, death to America. You have brought death on yourselves and a curse by doing this. It is not what goes into a man that defiles him. It's what comes out of his mouth and when the leadership wants to keep trying to speak death because death and life are in the power of the tongue and they keep doing this. They will reap what they have sown and those tears will come up and choke the wheat and that is what we see happening right now. You can only speak death against an active covenant. So many times before that covenant rules against you. And this is what is happening right now. Because leaders want to ascend in their hearts and believe they can ascend as high as the heavens. And try to bring down the people and the land that God has given them through an active covenant with Abraham and that covenant is still active and from New York State, George Washington made a covenant between God and this nation and that is still active So leaders in the United States and Canada and Germany and France and South Africa need to take some serious notice right now of what has happened to the leadership of Iran because not only did they speak death they then tried to fire 331 death missiles at Israel. And darkness came over the land in the sixth hour, in the 6th month. And this is why we see all of this happening right now. This is a very serious time. When Ben stops Judah begins. This is a very serious changing of the guard happening in the earth. And the people of Iran have a window for their deliverance if they will take it. There were those celebrating in Iran because these men were so ruthless because they served that principality, that ruler of the darkness of Persia and they're celebrating it. And the lord will uphold his standard in this hour. Whether leadership wants to go along with it or not. That's why I warned on the time of Daniel in a warning to leaders in the nation, that broadcast I did last week, watch your mouths right now. Leaders and those running for office, you better be real careful about what you fire off out of your mouth right now because God is not playing. And if you don't do what God wants to do, help will arise from elsewhere. Deliverance will arise from elsewhere. So, watch your mouth, put the yoke on, stop throwing it off, and bow the knee to the lord. Because we have a leader right now in the White House that can't even stand up. And that has dementia allegedly And they keep pushing him to his own demise. And Wednesday I am telling you there is a prophetic mystery with this. With this year with this election that goes all the way back. To one of the first five books of the Bible which is the Torah to the Jews. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and there is a mystery with this that we are going to unpack on Wednesday and it's a very serious one because we're in a very serious time and this is why the part of the church that's playing around and toying with serpents at the pulpit and with agendas that come from the pits of hell. Those leaders will see their wage too. God is merciful and he will give time for those to turn but then there is a time where the lord has to say enough and we see this happening now and you're going to see it in England too. You're going to see it in England as well. So, oh my goodness, I I just I I just can feel the lord. You know who we need? We need almighty God. That's who we need. We need Jesus Christ. That's who we need. Man is a tool in God's hands. Man is not the answer. God and Jesus Christ are the answer. Man is the tool that God utilizes for his purposes to be carried out. This is why those that want a toy in the fivefold and want a toy in the church and want to throw all sorts of junk in there that they shouldn't. In order to just descend on their pedestals. Those pedestals are getting kicked out from under them in this time. Kicked out. Because God will have order. He will have order. We just had Pentecost this past Sunday. God will have order in his house. And those that want to kick against the goats. Those that don't want to do it. They're going to find themselves on a crumbling pedestal. So this is a time we need to press into the Lord. We need to obey him to the best of our ability. Obedience is better than sacrifice. We're not going to get it right all the time. But we have to be willing vessels. The for what he wants to do in this time. Because I believe what's happening in Iran is going to begin to shift. Relations, alliances, landscapes in the Middle East. So keep watch of that. Keep watch. Praise the Lord. I think this is where I'm going to end tonight. We are going to put this up on the blog for all of you so you can take it. Pray about it. Test the spirit. Um this is a serious serious time. And there's a lot happening. A lot. And so we have to be sober minded and vigilant right now. And we have to be in the word. This is our sword. This is our soul food. This is what we need to be speaking and activating because death and life are in the power of the tongue and this is a living active document that is current for every single generation. Living, that is an active state of being. Living and active. What did that mean? It's not dormant. It has power. This is a living, breathing, active document that is current for every single generation. The all Old and the New Testament. Don't let anybody tell you that the Old Testament is obsolete and only the New Testament matters, that is a lie. That is a lie from the enemy because everything the New Testament is built upon the foundation of it is the Old Testament and if you want to understand the New Testament, you gotta understand what happened in the Old Testament. You need both. You need to understand both. And those that want to mingle too much in one and stay there and not the other get a very skewed understanding of events that are happening. So, I encourage you, I encourage you in that. This is our sword. It is the sword of the spirit. It is part of the armor of God. I encourage you to use it. Oh my goodness. Praise the lord. Praise the lord but pray for the people of Iran right now because this is a very, very, very serious time for them. The hour of the deliverance of the underground church of Iran We're in that hour to see deliverance for that underground church. It is growing in leaps and bounds. That church in Iran is one of the fastest growing in the world and surpasses the United States and many many many other nations who think in their western culture they got it right. And their prayers are working. Let me tell you something. It was fifty prophets in each cave when Obadiah hid them from Ahab and Jezebel when they went on a killing spree So, only the prophets of Baal and Ashtoreth would be left and they were hidden and they became, if you want to say it, the first underground church or one of the first underground churches and when Elijah went to Mount Carmel to face off against the 400 prophets of Baal and the 450 prophets of Ashtoreth, those 100 prophets that Obadiah kept alive on Jezebel and Ahab's dime, he took their bread and their resources and kept them alive. When they prayed, As that underground church in company of prophets. It went up into the soil of that nation that when Elijah called on God, fire came down from heaven, consumed the sacrifice and began to transform the nation and number the days of Ahab and Jezebel's rule. When that happened, that time clock rapidly started. And those prayers from the underground church in Iran keep doing it. They are working. The Going up into the soil of your nation and it's beginning to thresh that nation. So keep just keep them in prayer as we go forth. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Yep the Lord wishes that none would perish. He doesn't. Lord doesn't want any to perish but because of the wickedness and sin in the world. We see these things happen and we see leaders entertain demons and devils. And rulers of darkness that lead them on a road of perdition. And so we see this and this is what happens. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Okay we'll see if I do a video about P Diddy. Some are asking if I'm going to do a video about P Diddy and what's going on. Well I'll pray about it. We'll see if we Marcus Rogers just had a word for P Diddy actually. I haven't watched it yet but I know I know we gave a word of warning. So you might want to you might want to check that out. But I I will pray about that and see I just happen to see that in the chat. So praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. I think this is where we're going to end. Um the Iranian people are precious. Many of they're not the problem. The leadership is the Problem and we have to separate that in our minds. We have to separate that and we have to pray for them and we have to stand in solidarity with them. And the underground church as their brothers and sisters in Christ. So praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Okay, I think this is where I keep saying this is we're going to end and the lord said the lord starts my mouth up all over again and I just take off running again but Iran Canada, United States, Germany, England and France. And Spain. The next two full solar eclipses in two consecutive years will be over Spain. Spain is another one to watch right now. Spain is another one right now. And South Africa. And I warned about this already and I'll warn again Egypt. Egypt is another one right now. That spirit of pharaoh, let me tell you something. When God called out that spirit, And release those plagues and broke the superpower of the world. That dark ruler has been trying to raise that spirit of pharaoh up again ever since.
And Egypt has gotten themselves in the middle of this triangle of Hamas, Hezbollah, and Israel, truly a square. Iran has gotten themselves in the middle of this town trying to negotiate. And that spirit is luring Egypt back out for that spirit of pharaoh to rise back up again like they brought those pharaohs out in 2021 during C19 and parade them.
Watch Egypt because the Lord warned about them and we see these things beginning to happen with them. The Lord said a Jewish man would put a stop to their plan. Watch for that as well. Okay. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord.
Music Copyright References:
-21981893-Corporate And Inspirational Cinematic Background Music (1.00 Minutes Version) by StockAudios/Pond 5
-151471022-Uplifting Inspirational Corporate by Patrick_Schlebes/Pond5
-154756307-Magic Fireflies Loop Version2(Modern And Relaxing Background) by Lesya_NZ
-123859534-Successful Product Presentation 60S - P5 by wolfgangwoehrle
Music License:
Purchase ID/Date: 7365245 / 9-29-2023
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