$2 item changes the way the world snacks- Hilarious

6 years ago

One little two dollar item is changing the fate of snackers all over the world and here's one man to explain how.
Whether its potato chips, rice cakes, candy, fruits, vegis, or any other small snackable item, this man has the funniest and wittiest snacking tip that you just have to see!
We have all at some point struggled with over snacking. You know those moments when the bag gets ripped open and you tell yourself I only eat a few of them and then roll it up and stick it back in the cupboard. And then next thing you know only a quarter of it is left and you say to yourself, hey there’s only a couple left may as well finish them off to make a little more room in the cupboard. That’s just fine, however, some of us may judge ourselves for polishing off that full bag snack food. And we all know there are people out there that will watch us polish off that bag, and judge us for it.
People blame over snacking for weight gain and yo-yo dieting, but it does not need to come along with judgments. After all, the snacking is industry is a billion dollar one for a reason! Support your local economy and snack people!
Well this man right here has come up with a great way to alleviate all judgements from both yourself and others with this quick snacking tip! And the best part about it is it takes minimal effort and minimal cost.
By making the bag a “my size” sized bag, no snacker could be penalized for consuming the entire thing! And if anybody attempts to judge you for doing it, you just turn the bag show them the label and tell them “hey, its my size, don't judge me”.

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