I Tried SCRATCH Coloring For the First Time

8 months ago

I tried scratch coloring for the first time! ... and managed to break the scratch tool right away. 😳

I'm testing out a scratch-off coloring book that comes with pages you can tear out and use as wall art and a scratching pen tool. It works like a scratch-off lottery ticker, but you're revealing the colors underneath. You can use a scratch art book in different ways. You could scratch out the whole thing or just scratch out selected areas and leave others black or scratch out your own shapes.

Real time version on my ASMR channel: https://youtu.be/bSoEYpRPK9Y



• Raaputa ja rentoudu - Taikamaailma ja satuolentoja from Lidl
• German version: Der verwunschene Wald - Kritzel-Kratzel-Buch: Kratzmotive mit tollen Farbeffekten
â–º *Amazon (DE): https://amzn.to/390jIqi
â–º *Amazon (US): https://amzn.to/2NlEzvN
â–º *Amazon (UK): https://amzn.to/390kKma

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*ART BOOKS I LIKE: https://www.amazon.com/shop/ivylilycreative?listId=3ZQVHRGVEISO&ref=idea_share_inf


COLORING BOOK SHOP: http://www.ivylilyart.etsy.com/
ART SHOP: https://almonda.redbubble.com
FREE COLORING PAGES: http://www.ivylilycreative.com/2017/05/free-printable-adult-coloring-pages.html
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• Cast of Pods by Doug Maxwell

#ScratchArt #ScratchColoring

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