Fox’s Jesse Watters Says His Mom Won’t Stop Dunking on Him Over Trump Conviction: ‘All Day Sending Me 34, 34, 34 Felony Counts’

9 months ago

WATTERS: “Donald Trump’s Justice Department was weaponized against him. They had a special counsel investigating him. That’s how ridiculous it was. Judge, my mom is celebrating. She texted me that she was dancing after the verdict, dancing. And then she kept all day sending me 34, 34, 34. Felony counts, Harold, you know exactly what I’m talking about. She’s a grandmother. She’s a grandmother! Get it together, mom. oh my God. So usually when you see a crime, Judge, and you know this better than anybody, violent crime, for instance, people do become happy when there’s someone that’s convicted. Because you think, well, one, that person’s going to be removed from society because then they can’t commit another crime. And you feel a little bit happy for the victim’s family because they have a sense of justice. Who’s the victim here? Why are they celebrating anything? There is no victim. Why are they happy? Who are they happy for? If anything, Donald Trump’s the victim of this case.”

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