…microsoft windows wants to record your screen, farage, sunak, illegals, starmer?

7 months ago

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…microsoft windows wants to record your screen, farage, sunak, illegals, starmer, Israel and the sun?
16.04 bbc impartial not
16.55 farage involved
18.34 sunak panic
19.33 sunak election
21.15 sunak ww3
22.42 illegals mass immigration
22.55 illegal and cop
23.17 illegals dig up grave stones
25.33 illegals in control
26.46 illegals labour traitor
27.22 illegals naked again
27.35 illegals police
28.09 illegals stabbed welcome
28.39 illegals There's a war going on in Sheffield, and the authorities and media are turning a blind eye.
29.24 illegals trash hotel
30.04 illegals uk invaded
31.26 illegals uk invaded
31.26 illegals welcome center
32.54 starmer easy ride
40.43 israel does aipac control the us
43.03 israel ethnic clensing
45.35 are our rulers demonic
47.03 sun cows and sunflowers
48.48 sun is something wrong
49.37 sun whats different
41.08 piezoelectiricity

53.19 z guess what they are practicing for

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…microsoft windows wants to record your screen, farage, sunak, illegals, starmer, Israel and the sun?

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