Article 4851 Video - Urgent Economic Alert - Friday, May 31, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

8 months ago

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Article 4851 Video - Urgent Economic Alert - Friday, May 31, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

A trifecta of financial indicators prompts me (and many others) to sound the alarm today. For those who need or want or would benefit from a far more detailed analysis see J Bravo's channel on YouTube, and the episode "The Most Eye Opening 17 Minutes...."

Please understand that the Fiat Economy established in 1913 and re-engineered after the Second World War is essentially a Ponzi Scheme that depends on banks making new loans -- lots of new loans. New loans are where money is created in a fiat system.

Many of you think or assume that money is printed on printing presses, but no; "money of account" is what drives and supplies the economy in a fiat system, which is all predicated and run on the basis of credit and debt instruments --- and "ledger loans" made to consumers.

These "loans" of credit result in new "money" being entered on the bank ledger simply by entering the digits on the account books. This is why this is called "money of account" and self-evidently -- it isn't money. It's credit.

It's essentially credit that you loan yourself and the only one responsible is you. That's why yours is the only signature ever appearing on any of these "titles" or 'bank loans" and so on.

The banks have all been insolvent since the 1930's. They are prohibited by law from loaning their own money or any depositor's money.

So, you see, it is a shell game by definition. These facts are never disclosed to you and you are left to assume a traditional bank model exists -- when it doesn't.

All goes well so long as there are people lined up to make new loans to themselves and also paying those loans off -- again -- to themselves, plus others.

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