Be imitators of God - An interview with Melissa McAtee

21 days ago

Melissa McAtee worked in the pharmaceutical industry for 9 years.
She started at the company, Hospira, in 2012 as a pharmaceutical assistant, in Macpherson Kansas. Pfizer Purchased Hospira in 2015.

She was promoted to Manufacturing Quality Auditor in April 2017.
The Macpherson Plant was manufacturing the Pfizer Covid vaccine from Spring 2021.

Melissa did a Project Veritas interview, which aired on October 6, 2021

Her job was terminated by Pfizer on October 20, 2021.

In this episode, we discuss the following:

- Melissa tells us how she came to be working at Pfizer as a manufacturing quality auditor and what was her job role in 2020/2021

- Melissa tells us that Hospira was bought by Pfizer in 2015 and that the culture changed at that point, for the worse, especially with regards to FDA inspections. eg Hospira was happy for their employees to talk to the FDA inspectors. However, Pfizer, told the employees, to “go hide for an hour”, whenever the FDA arrived at the plant. If FDA were inspecting Line A, Pfizer would shut down all the other lines while the FDA were present.

- The Macpherson plant started making the vaccine, in Spring 2021, and things changed.

- Melissa’s last day at the actual plant was August 19, 2021. (Her job was terminated Oct 20, 2021). She took mental health leave after that day. That was the day she witnessed the documents and the blackening out of the windows at the plant. The FDA were about to do their final tour of the plant before the EUA.

- Melissa explains that when the FDA finds something wrong, it’s called an observation. And the plant is allowed approx. 7 observations. An observation can be something as trivial as someone having gum in their mouth, etc. The average was 7 in the past. The last FDA visit for the Pfizer vaccine, in August 2021, the plant received zero observations. This was entirely abnormal.

- Melissa shows us a video she took, in August 19, 2021, showing us the blackening out of the windows. It is against FDA regulations to black out windows at the plant. Everyone must be visible at all times. The FDA were due to visit the following week.

- We discussed any protocol changes or anomolies she observed with the vaccine compared to other Pfizer products.
1. Glowing product. 2. Label placement on the glass bottles (it appeared to be placed to conceal the product. 3. How long the product was permitted to be kept out of cold storage (-100 degrees F) was constantly changing, it appeared that was being fudged. 4. They were not required to document interventions.
- Melissa did not have access to the compounding area, however, she was told by her boss that staff in compounding (where they mix the drugs) were complaining that for the first time in 40 years, they did now know what the ingredients were, that the product is coming premixed in bags with Chinese markings on it. This was corroborated to Melissa months later, after she had left Pfizer, by an ex employee who had worked in incoming quality at the Macpherson plant, who approached Melissa at a church function.

- Melissa tells us about the Pfizer social media policy and communications policy. They were told they were not to talk about the product or have an opinion on it, and also they were told to avoid conversations with anti vaxx people. Pfizer renewed their social media policy and NDA at this time.

- Melissa showed us photos that she had taken in her light test booth of the drug, epinephrine (for comparison) and the covid vaccines. This is the room, where she visually inspects drug product. The light booth has a black background. The epinephrine and vaccines were in exactly the same type of glass bottles, with the same caps. The epinephrine is clear. The vaccine is glowing and is periwinkle blue in colour. She has never seen anything like it before, and her colleagues confirmed they hadn’t either. This is the vaccine product that is going out the door. She showed us a photo of the same vaccine product against a white background, there is no glow, it has a slight yellow colour, it is not blue.

- Melissa messaged Albert Bourla the day she first saw this glowing, periwinkle blue product. The Communications department messaged her back saying “We are not aware of any glowing, what are you talking about”.

- Melissa also explains that the labels were placed too low on the bottles. Lower then on other Pfizer drugs. This change in protocol was not documented. When she checked with the machinists, they explained they had been trained to place the labels there for the vaccine.

- It is Melissa’s job to check for defects. She is supposed to have a sheet of paper with a descripton of the medicine, called a control monograph. But there was no control monograph for several months.

- She complained about the glowing and the lowered label placement on the vials. She was told its operation warp speed, it’s allowed.

- Melissa has provided to us 12 emails that were internal Pfizer emails. All the email addresses had the suffix of We redacted all the email addresses for the interview. When asked how she got these emails, she says somebody, who was involved in these emails, saved them to the database, probably for an answer referral sheet. So that in future when they get those questions, they can just open up the referral of what they need to say.

- The 12 emails are a discussion between Pfizer staff regarding how to answer a specific question from the public and health care providers. The question was “Did Pfizer make use of a cell line from an aborted foetus when carrying out any confirmatory tests for this vaccine”. And the first email was dated February 3, 2021.

- The Chief Scientific Officer of RNA vaccines wrote an email stating that HEK293T cells used for the IVE assay are ultimately derived from an aborted fetus. He commented that the Vatican doctrinal committee has confirmed that they consider it acceptable for Pro Life believers to be immunised. But that Pfizer’s official statement couches the answer well and is what should be provided in response to an outside inquiry.
Melissa tells us that it appears that the Pfizer Communications department was very specific about what was to be given as an answer to outside inquiries. To deflect and don’t admit that aborted cells are used in confirmatory testing.

- There are comments in the emails that show that the Communications department does not want the fetal cell lines mentioned, and that Pfizer staff must never mention it is used in testing, in their responses. Just say it is NOT used in the manufacture of the vaccine.
- The Chief Scientific Officer states in a Feb 25, 2021 email that the HEK293T cells are used in an ongoing basis for testing. There are no plans to replace them. And he can’t be sure that there are not and will not be OTHER cell lines of fetal origin used.

- Melissa did a Project Veritas interview on October 6, 2021 with James O’Keefe, and shortly after her job was terminated at Pfizer.

- We discuss why other employees at the plant have not come forward with information regarding these vaccines, the changes in protocols at the plant and the strange appearance of the product. Melissa tells us that the honest employees have resigned and she invited others to come forward.

Websites referenced in the Interview;

-- Melissa McAtee powerpoint presentation of her testimony.

-- Project Veritas interview with Melissa McAtee, October 7,2021.

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