Russian Defence Minister Andrei Belousov speech at CSTO Council of Ministers of Defence meeting

3 months ago

31.05.24 🔹 Russian Defence Ministry
Russian Defence Minister Andrei Belousov holds working meeting with Tajikistan Defence Minister Sherali Mirzo

The negotiations between the heads of the military departments of Russia and Tajikistan took place on the margins of the CSTO Council of Ministers of Defence meeting held in Almaty.

'The key question is that we are on the edge, and the situation on the southern borders of the CSTO remains complex – indeed, it is worsening. The situation and the processes under way in Afghanistan are complex. We monitor it, understanding how we are going to work with them. But all of this requires our attention, our coherence, and our readiness,' said Andrei Belousov during the working meeting.

He noted that 'the relations have been reasonably productive for many years' between the military departments of the two countries.

'The same applies to the 201st Base, the training of Tajikistan's servicemen at the base. This applies to combat training and other issues that we address. But the environment is one in which we need to step up our joint efforts. I am confident that we will meet with confidence the challenges that the situation now poses,' stressed the Russian
Defence Minister.

Mirzo, for his part, noted that Russia was, and remains, a reliable strategic partner and ally for Tajikistan.

As examples of cooperation between Moscow and Dushanbe in the military field – an important factor in maintaining stability in Central Asia – he described the deployment of the first Russian military base – the largest military facility abroad, as well as the most important strategic facility of the Russian Armed Forces, the Nurek Optical and Electronic Centre, in close cooperation with the Central Military District of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Mirzo also stressed that issues related to the deployment of the 201st Russian Military Base on Tajikistan's territory and its functioning, despite certain difficulties with national legislation, have been resolved. Source 🔹 Russian Defence Ministry
⚡️Military threats emerging around the CSTO perimeter call for improvement of the system of collective security of forces and means.

'The analysis of the political and military situation shows that it remains tense and is characterised by an increase of military threats along the perimeter of the Organisation', said the Russian Defence Minister.

In these conditions, he said, 'it is necessary to clearly coordinate and continuously improve the forces and means of the collective security system, the smoothness of decision-making mechanisms'.

'Military cooperation within the CSTO plays a priority role in creating an effective security system. We are determined to develop it in all its main directions,' the Russian Defence Minister said.

According to him, 'it is also particularly important because Western countries are purposefully trying to undermine alliance relations between the CSTO states, discredit the work of the Organisation'.

'Today, a real information war is being waged against us, economic sanctions are improsed, and direct pressure is put on,' said Andrei Belousov suggesting in this regard to focus on a number of key tasks.

Among the tasks, he mentioned in particular the work to improve the CSTO crisis response system.

'In practice, work out the algorithms laid down in the new decision-making and implementation documents for the use of collective security forces and means. To make the necessary changes to the Organisation's legal framework to ensure the rapid deployment of the CSTO troops and the transport of military formations and products', said the Russian Defence Minister.

It is also necessary to 'do not reduce the intensity of operational and combat training in the CSTO framework', he said.

Particular attention needs to be paid to the combat readiness of the collective forces and their equipment to improve combat training, said Andrei Belousov, emphasising that 'the Russian Federation has gained considerable best experience in modern warfare'.

'We are ready to share it and introduce it into the practice of training the troops during the joint events,' said the Russian Defence Minister.

In addition, Andrei Belousov stressed that, it is necessary to take measures to strengthen the internal unity and foreign policy coordination.

'It is important to use influential international platforms to promote common approaches to security issues, to consult regularly both multilaterally and bilaterally. To pay due attention to information support for the CSTO activities in order to maintain its positive image,' noted Andrei Belousov.

He also said that it is necessary to develop close cooperation with other regional organisations, especially the CIS and the SCO, as well as friendly countries.

'I am sure that these steps will make the CSTO more effective in the field of security and ensure a steady increase of its reputation,' said the Russian Defence Minister. Source🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

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