Opinion: New York City law enforcement smell scams.

4 months ago

Opinion: New York City law enforcement is saying my hygiene is out of control and they have as many witnesses as necessary to prove it.

I'm glad New York City law enforcement has their priorities in check.

I've bought thousands of dollars worth of clothes with my student loans and I wash them twice a week.

I shower every day.

For some reason New York City law enforcement wants me to spend more time on my hygiene and they have hundreds, maybe thousands of people to support their claims.

Thank you New York City law enforcement for being so concerned about me.

All jokes aside I just took the three pictures on May 31, 2024.

In my opinion, people I know pay New York City law enforcement and their civilian team to lie and say Mark Pine smells to try and get me kicked out of every place I go.

If anyone knows how I can legally get New York City law enforcement and their civilian team to stop harassing me, please let me know.

I've contacted hundreds of government offices in the United States and they won't help.

Also, I just filed a lawsuit without a lawyer, I'm not a lawyer, to sue the FBI in the New York City Federal Court.

I also filed a Notice of Claim with the New York City Comptroller's Office to sue the NYPD.

#nypd #fbi #policebrutality #nyc #manhattan #hygiene

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