Jesus Gave Us Spiritual Authority to Cast Out Unclean Evil Spirits -AFG2SW- Chapter 10 - TOG EP 113

9 months ago

In episode 113 of Tales of Glory, we dive into Chapter 10, Casting Out Demons, in my book A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare—The POWER to pull the IMPOSSIBLE from the Heavenly Realm. So why do we have the authority to cast out demons? Where does this come from? Does how we're using our authority today align with how Jesus intended us to use this supernatural ministry? Has the Western Church fallen into a dangerous obsession with demons that is spiritually unhealthy? What is the purpose for the believer to cast out devils? Has modern deliverance ministry fallen into using rituals rather than the empowerment of the Holy Spirit? For a topic I thought I had already beaten to death, there was still more I have to say on casting out demons!

Workshop course outline:
00:03:16 Introduction
00:10:12 The Great Commission
00:20:42 Holy Ghost Stories M16 X-Files: Expelling Spirits of Divination and Tarot
00:35:25 Post-mortem meeting and thoughts on the ministry session
00:37:42 Controversy on using prayer language and what an exorcist thinks - is it demonic?
00:40:11 Empowerment of the Holy Spirit and prayers of liberation
00:40:37 Caveats and Thoughts on Expelling Spirits
00:50:50 Conclusion

Jesus Gave Us Spiritual Authority to Cast Out Unclean Evil Spirits - AFG2SW - Chapter 10 - TOG EP 113

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📚 To purchase Michael’s books:
📖 Cosmology and Demonology in Genesis 1-11

📖 A Field Guide to Spiritual Warfare

📖 A Field Guide to Advanced Spiritual Warfare

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📖 Training workbook for prophetic evangelism:
Extreme Prophetic and Process Evangelism Ministry - Reaching the Lost and Unreachable

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