Priest exposing more WW2 truth , exposing the holohoax!

6 months ago
Follow the great guy on youtube!
Ww2,truth,preist,meidanic,maidan,death camps,black ops,propaganda, lies,soviet,bolshevik,jews,lies,lies,lies,jews,lies,ugly soviet people, mongols, huns, red terror, communism, extrimism,zionism, satanism, Germany,redemption,hitler,nazi,great,thank God there are wisdom keepers, Great resets are of all times, Riligion has been corrupted, But wisdom has been preserved, Is humanity ready? No we are not God , no we will never be as God’s, This is not the false teachings, but the genuine one, God is not man and no man ever was God, there is no God but the one true God, and Marry Magdelene the wife of Jesus pbuh, was a great teacher, Peace and blessings be upon here, Omar Samson, Free Humanity

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