Greedy Squirrel Makes 'Gimme Gimme' Gesture For More Snacks

6 years ago

Squirrels through their close living with and around humans have become somewhat desensitized to people. Everyone has encountered a squirrel at one point or another. For the most part the squirrels want to avoid you and go about their business. However, every great once in a while you come across a squirrel that has had too much friendly time with humans. The little guy in this video is a perfect example of a squirrel that has probably been fed by people from time to time.

He is standing on a stone wall that to our eyes looks like it is at a natural park. Maybe it is the Grand Canyon or somewhere out in Utah. Don’t quote us on that though. We are not 100-percent sure where this squirrel is at and don’t have that information available to us at this time. Anyway, the squirrel is hanging out on the stone wall with an older man standing next to him. The older man has some nuts in his hand and has broken them into little chunks. The squirrel knows that the man has the nut chunks.

The squirrel is making the traditional ‘Gimme, Gimme’ sign to the old man, which is admittedly adorable coming from the squirrel. He reminds us of a little kid begging for candy or a toy. The older man keeps telling the squirrel not to bite when he gives him the nuts. Surprisingly, the squirrel is very gentle when he takes the food and other than the gesturing does not seem particularly aggressive. He even sits back and calms down when the older man walks away after feeding him a bit. We will say that you should not feed wild animals, so do keep that in mind for any encounters you come across.

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