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“Pure Evil for Pure Profit”

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“Pure evil for pure profit” is what Lori, John Simpson’s wife, calls the treatment that they went through at the hands of the medical system during the COVID pandemic. John is one of the few who made it out of the hospital alive, but his story is riddled with trauma, abuse and baffling details. Lori makes an appearance on CHD.TV to explain.


  • 0/2000
  • The whole " I spent my retirement savings". was all part of the plan this whole time. Wealth Transfer.

  • 13:44 yes! I unfortunately, after being partially run over by a pick up truck, was forced to spend 4 months in a hospital. 7 weeks of that was because of the MRSA they gave me, which had me bedridden at home for 4 days until I had the strength to call 9/11 to get me out of the bed, which I basically could not move. I remember most of it being hideous and yes, I was in Practical Nursing School in 1981-1982-83 and it was so different I cannot believe it! Yes, they tell you to poop in the bed. I would not - I got a bedside commode, I took a shower at least every other day and washed my face and flossed and brushed my teeth 2 X a day. That was hell just getting floss! And they hated having to help me because they had to empty my emesis basin! And no one would have offered it. They got mad when I asked for a washcloth with hot water (always cold anyway) the occupational therapists were very good in helping me bathe, I did it myself, but they had to watch me through a little peephole in the shower curtain. I was on a shower chair and used a handheld. I had to beg for this stuff. I mean really! I would have been fired at the places I worked at if I did not do these basic things. I remember at 3:00 AM one early morning/night, I put my light on and it took about an hour to get help. My nurse was busy, so she sent in some tattooed big, overweight nurse who came in, put the lights and and yelled at me "You better toughen up" ! I said I was tough and it was time for my pain meds and if I waited much longer it would throw me off the schedule they had to stick to. and that happened a lot. And I was in extreme pain. And they both came in and yelled at me about 1/2 hour later. Just horrible. I am shocked your husband is alive.