MR NON-PC - They Just Won't Admit How Far They've Fallen

1 month ago

I'm sure everyone knows a person or a group of people who are what many would consider to be "a horrible person" or "horrible people" right?

And maybe that person was you at one point, but you eventually got over that rough period in your life. I know for sure I had my moments...hahaha, I'm no angel...that's for sure!

But we make mistakes in life, and then fix those mistakes and apologize to those we wronged or sometimes ourselves.

And with the CovidCult.....mannnnnnnnn oh MANNNNNNNN....did we se how far so many people fell!! Thankfully I was NEVER a part of that lunacy, and I trust you weren't either. But we saw just how far so many people fell.

And these people just won't admit how far they've fallen either. They'd rather wallow in their misery and selfish pride. We all know many of them will never turn the corner, and come out of that fallen state.

Life isn't perfect...everyone makes mistakes, has drama or hits rock bottom more than once I'm sure. But the true test is if we can overcome that fallen state, become better men and women and instead be the person we were MEANT TO BE....not the person we THOUGHT WE SHOULD BE.

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