Becca Murder - “Locks”

9 months ago

This song is written for the true lovers out there who have been through so much and still instinctively reach for each other before all else.
In less civilized cultures, its like everyone telling you that selling your wife will solve all your problems but you don’t even see how much you can get for her. That kinda love.

Lyrics “ Im still fine if you’re still mine
You gave me the key anyway
Dont play with my heart or rip it apart
Dont change the locks someday
Im homeward bound
Youre outta town
Dancin around an old flame
Don’t leave me alone to get stoned on my own
Dont change the locks someday
I called your number 69 times
77 8 more
Leavin you feels like a crime
Don’t hesitate to come pound on my door
Home ward bound outta town dancin around an old flame
Don’t leave me alone to get stoned on my own
Dont change the locks someday
I called your number 69 times 77 8 more
Leavin you feels like a crime
Don’t hesitate to come pound at my door
Be the man i cant ignore
Love aint a reason to start a war
Lift up your hands and sing…” - Becca Murder


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