Anonymous Presents The End of Capitalism

1 month ago

Greetings Humanity from all around our only Planet, that We all know, as Home.

We are Anonymous.

It is only the end of capitalism, because capitalism, cannot find acceptable solution of it's main problem. It is capable of producing, like it wanted to satisfy the absolute needs of everyone, but is not capable of distributing the wealth accordingly, the welfare concept was the last big try, but it failed, so it always has overproduction of everything, for those who is poor, it is not because of production being too low, but because either he or she, missed the money train, again, problem of distribution. So far, their only quasi-solution was, and because it needs an environment of poor people always abroad, was to produce so call goods, that nobody can or needed to buy, so these production does not go to the normal market, but somehow magically disappears. It's like public investment, to create demand, not in terms of need, but for money ready to be spent on normal so call goods or services, or, ironically, to go into hyperinflation. In the end, it only shows, that the only production which does not need an economic demand, are weapons. The consumer of weapons, are wars. So to keep somehow balance developed capitalism, capitalism, always needs wars. That is why the leading capitalist power, the united states government, and the old original capitalist power, england, or britain if you like, are provoking wars all the time. Always far from their strict territories. Now it is Ukraine, but there are also other wars on Our Planet, and all with the same roots, even if the united states government, or england, or britain if you like, may say they are not participating directly. But the fact is, they are supplying them with weapons. How can you supply weapons to poor nations, like Ukraine? For them, they would collect money from your own pauperized population via tax, and send this money to those who are meant to buy the weapons you are selling, or supplying, whatever comes first. This way, you, the united states corporate paid government, create employment, and investment in your country, and after some time, newly employed will get their salaries and be able to satisfy their real needs and buy their daily gadgets. That is how modern capitalism works, and do not expect it to change.

Or so they thought. Once the New Free World emerges, that will not be based on capitalism, Everyone should be Wise enough to not get provoked to unnecessary wars, or to allow the united states corporate paid governments aggression.

Be prepared for a "Global Revolution"

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