🚨WHISTLEBLOWER: People are Being Denied Organ Transplants for Not Being Covid Vaxxed

4 months ago

🚨 WHISTLEBLOWER: People Are Being Denied Organ Transplants For Not Being Covid 19 Vaccinated This Is Nicole Sirotek, She’s An American Frontline Nurse. She has the 2024 patient denial papers to prove it. “Even though the mandates have been dropped, even though it's considered the flu now, they're still requiring it for organ transplants.”

“Okay, how many of you remembered about me mentioning that they were refusing organ transplants to people who were not jabbed for C-19? Even though the mandates have been dropped, even though it's considered the flu now, they're still requiring it for organ transplants. Now mind you, you can donate organs if you didn't get it, but you cannot receive organs if you didn't get it. And here's a letter from a patient who was rejected because they don't have the C-19.

Based on guidance from the American Society of Transplantation and Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, we require all lung transplant patients receive full jabs against C19. At this current time, you indicated you did not receive a C19 jab.

If you want to be considered for a lung evaluation, you will need to obtain the jab and provide proof that it has been obtained. Guys, this date is May 16, 2024. Did you guys catch the date on that letter?

It's May 16th, 2024, just this month, just last week, we're still discriminating against people for organs because they don't have the jab. That has been proven to have adverse side effects, I think like nine pages worth of adverse side effects. It doesn't stop transmission, it doesn't reduce hospitalization, and it doesn't reduce symptom severity either. This has all come out into the public. I mean, New York Times has talked about the injured.

What are your thoughts on this? Are you going to donate your organs because you can't receive them? What do you plan on doing?”

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