New India Outreach Service

4 months ago

We need a new audio system. Blue tooth issues caused a long delay in the middle and during my testimony.
Dear Pastor Greg Young
Thank and Praise God that it was so blessed outreach meeting in a Village called Gujjapeer , Where 92 people accepted Jesus Christ and 53 people healed instantly after hearing your testimony and prayer. One brother healed from blood high pressure turned into normal, two sisters were healed from shoulders pain, they were not able left their arms, God healed them instantly. One brother had a whip pain, he was not able to sit for long, but God touched him and healed and he sat in Meeting without any pain. 4 people got their blur eyesight cleared. One sister was touched and believed that God has opened her womb.two old women got healed from errhoratic pain instantly, one sister had sever pain in her knees since 7 year God touched her and she was healed instantly, one brother right ear was leaking since 2 years, he was healed instantly, 6 people got vomited and delivered from black magic, so many people were healed from headaches, back pain, neck pain and etc. all glory to God
We all prayed for you Pastor Greg, Family and Radio Ministries
God bless you

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