We're bodyguards for American contractors.

8 months ago

Looking through old BBC footage I have saved and came across this amazing 'mask off' moment from an American soldier deployed to Muqdisho in 1993 as part of the UNOSOM occupation force.
But the idealistic notions of the General are in marked contrast to the cynicism shown by some of his men on the streets. They think there's yet another motive.
There's already American contractors here bidding to rebuild this joint. You're going to tell them, you know, that's all the Defense Department is. We're bodyguards for American contractors. (hardly audiable: That's when I was disillusioned)
And he's equally damning about the United Nations, whose mandate he's supposed to be carrying out.
...We stand outside the road. The U.N.? They don't. No, we own the U.N. The U.S. government owns the U.N. We foot the bill for the U.N. The U.N. does what we want them to, except for who? Libya and Cuba. So what? If we wanted to go in there in a week, we'd take those over if we wanted to anyways. But we foot the bill for the U.N. They'll vote how we want them to vote. That's just our, that's the U.S. puppet. You guys should know that. You've been to college. I haven't.

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