Anonymous - We had Enough of the BullShit!

27 days ago

Greetings World.

We are Anonymous.

And We all. Have had enough.
We've had enough of Israel killing over 40,000 Palestinians. And calling it self-defense.
We've had enough of the media calling Israeli hostages hostages, but Palestinian hostages prisoners.
We've had enough of Israel throwing Palestinian adults and children in prison without charge, without trial, without even telling them the reason why.
We've had enough of Israel bringing up the Holocaust, as it carries out a holocaust against Palestinians.
We've had enough of Palestinians being punished for European crimes, and Europeans giving away land that is not theirs to divide.
We've had enough of seeing children bodies blown to bits, and parents crying their eyes out.
Half of Gaza's population are children, so, if Israel bombed the buildings, they are literally killing the children.
Thousands are still under the rubble, a vast majority are still missing.
Enough of this genocide, Enough of this killing the innocent.
We've had enough of spoiled Israeli settlers complaining from their comfortable homes, while Palestinians sleep outside in tents, and in the rain.
Israelis have the nerve to pretend that they are oppressed. Bite your fork tongue already.
We've lost count how many times Israel has bombed displacement camps, hospitals, even schools and refugee centers.
Israelis driving Palestinians from their homes, seems like another Nakba in plain sight, taking more land, and taking more lives.
We've had enough of Israelis always playing the victim, even as they victimize Palestinians and commit genocide against them.
We're tired, exhausted, and bored, no one is falling for that bull shit anymore.
Israeli government claims to be a Jewish state, god chosen people, but it is in a state of genocidal mania, and does not speak for all Jews.
So many Jews around the world, truly hate Zionism.
We've had enough of Israel claiming that Arabs hate Jews,
This is not about religion. They are obviously lying to the whole world. It is really about Europeans, stealing Palestinian lands.
We've had enough of all talk show hosts acting like they are Middle Eastern experts.
We've had enough of Americans claiming Hamas are terrorists, when Uncle Sam is the biggest terrorist on this planet.
The corporate paid united snakes of America lectures other countries about human rights and international law, but when it comes to Israel, they don't give a flying fuck.
Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Lebanon, seems like those countries was not enough.
How many humans have to die before they wake up and smell death will be coming for them.
Israel is carrying out a genocide in front of international eyes, suffocating the dreams of Palestinian children, When will the world put an end to their madness.
Over 40,000 people killed, hundreds of doctors and nurses, hundreds of humanitarian aid volunteers.
Israel killing journalists like if it was hunting season on reporters.
So many in Gaza went to bed, and never woke up because of sneaky drop a bomb while they slept.

We are Anonymous.

And We. Had about Enough of Israel's bullshit,.

Prepare for the largest world wide protest against all tyrannical dictators that commit genocide on innocent people.

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