Project 2025 Part 3

4 months ago

Project 2025 Part 3

Before I get into this too far Starships next launch appears to be set for June 5th. You can watch it here.
Also below all of this are a few links to other things that happened. Like I said as I started this. There was so much to cover. The recent BATF shooting was one of those things that ramped up while Clinton was in office. That story isn’t in the video but the links to it are below. Now...

As I was sitting down to write all of this I remembered something that happened after Clinton was gone and we had Bush 43. Holly Vietzke of Massachusetts school of law contacted me about writing a piece on the Clintons. It was the be 10,000 words long. She and many others had been reading my work over on It is now long gone. I titled my Piece something like America’s 80 ft Bungee Jump with a 100 foot chord. At that time they published and distributed a trimester review. The subject was to be the Criminals we choose to rule over us Or something to that effect. I went back and checked, that was one of the few times when it wasn’t published. My father was stunned they asked me to write anything. He was familiar with myself
and that school.
What I’ll demonstrate in here is how they trip themselves up all of the time. They are living proof that every time you idiot proof something along comes a better idiot.

There was nothing normal about this administration. When Clinton was attending Oxford there was a sixty day period where he spent time in a Moscow motel he didn’t pay for. When he came back he suddenly started organizing protests against the Vietnam war. As I pointed out before, the CCP had their hooks in him by the time he rose to power. Clearly they have their hooks in the DNC as well.
Remember how the media went all in on the concept that Presidents just don’t fire FBI directors? Bill Clinton was the first one to do it. He did it in 93. Janet Reno told him that Sessions had to go. If you don’t remember her, she was the one who decommissioned the US Coast Guard cutter with the highest drug interdiction rate in Florida. She’s from Florida by the way. That’s the kind of thing that makes us in the middle and on the right stop and think a bit. The left has a different take on it. Why start thinking now?

I’ll mention this now so I don’t forget it. There was another incident similar to this towards the end of his administration. It was what caused the war later dubbed by some as the ‘Wag the Dog’ war. What caused that war was shaped more like a hot dog. I always called it the BJ war. To quickly summerize what happened after the Bosnian conflict was that the Moslems had been wiping out Christians so an arms embargo was put on the Moslems. They were cut out of the negotiations completely. There are two old sayings that can be conflated to explain this situation. “Nature hates a vacuum.” and “When you’re surrounded by assholes it really sucks, because something is going to fill the vacuum that creates.” In that region they’re running short on vowels in their names and on innocent people. The rage that lies suppressed and dormant there is epic. The SS was shocked at the things they saw their locally conscripted SS troops do to their own people.

That embargo laid the groundwork for what should have been Bill Clinton’s equivalent to the Iran Contra affair for Reagan. The duty bound leftist media minions were the obligatory cucked cricket chorus when it was discovered that one of Bill’s nominees was the one who orchestrated the re arming of the Moslems by giving the green light to Iran to aid the Kosovo Liberation Army. That opened the flood gates on Eastern Europe, which were then inundated with Heroine and many other nasty things. That laid the ground work for what I will end this video discussing.

Let’s back up a bit for now to one of the many defining moments for Bill’s administration.
Bill Clinton championed a law that allowed civil court testimony to be used in federal cases. It was another move towards weaponized government. Unfortunately for him he was ensnared by his own web. The Paula Jones case was brought up during the Starr investigation. The media claimed that it was just consenting adult sex. They held on to that clownish claim till the bitter end. During the trial Matt Drudge made a few comments about a blue dress. He was just a news person so what did that mean? It meant everything. There was a bunch of noise about that dress and then it got quiet until the dress surfaced DNA intact and all. That was the end right there. Every time Clinton went on TV to run interference he failed to notice the fact that his numbers dropped precipitously. Monica was in the white house from 1995 until 1997 and had nine sexual encounters with him. Monica Lewinsky broke into the open big time in 98. After she resurfaced, it was panic time. Here he is lecturing us on what the meaning of is is.
The media narrative that it was strictly about consenting adults and sex because everyone lies about that, was a whopper of a lie by the way. He was accused of perjury. The impeachment had nothing to do with sex. If I remember right I think it was Sowell that countered the argument that everyone lies as his defense. He said something like “Well everyone urinates all of the time. Try it in court and see what happens.”
Here are a couple of lies he got caught in. And some of the women.

Bill was such a ho dogging putz that even SNL did skits on State Troopers bringing hotties by to work off traffic tickets. I couldn’t find one of those but this is what a lot of SNL looked like back then. I mean before Alec Baldwin came along and almost killed SNL. Good luck bringing it back to life!

Bubba was impeached and it was sent to the senate for their trial. It was going to be an open door trial according to Trent Lott. There was something else that happened at the same time. I’ll come back to what occurred when this was bumped up to the senate after I discuss some dust kicked up in the north forty acres by that ho dogger Bill Clinton. Remember that Clinton nominee who suddenly withdrew? Yeah that. Bill Clinton had a sworn deposition for Ken Starrs investigation on January 17th 1998. He had to do something. Things were starting to heat up in of all places gasp Kosovo.

There is a pattern that begins to show itself here and it quite simply is this. “If you get in trouble over here take a dump over there to distract.” Is Hillary advising Biden by any chance?
Here is what CATO had to say about the entire mess in Kosovo.

“In practice, Washington seems prepared to use military force under three conditions:

those being killed are white Europeans;
the perceived aggressor is not a U.S. ally;
there is saturation media coverage of the conflict.
This makes a mockery of the humanitarian pretentions advanced by Western leaders. Nor is there anything compassionate about sending others off to fight. It’s one thing to ask young men (and now young women) to risk their lives for their own political community. It is quite another thing for armchair warriors to have them die righting international wrongs for other nations.

The administration’s unprincipled humanitarianism creates severe practical problems as well. Perversely, it encourages intensification of local conflict. For instance, Kosovar leaders understand the importance of positive media coverage. Rugova adviser Alush Gashi admitted to me last June that the prospect of NATO intervention “depends on how we look on CNN. People need to see victims in their living rooms.” The Albanian diaspora also recognizes the importance of political lobbying, something more traditionally associated with a desire for farm subsidies at home than bombing campaigns abroad. Thus, instances such as the killings in Racak, which appear to be the ugly but normal violence surrounding insurgencies (the U.S. government committed far worse in suppressing Filipino independence a century ago), are manipulated by foreign parties and domestic interests for policy ends, in this case, U.S. intervention.

Most important, it would put U.S. troops at risk without any serious, let alone vital, American interest at stake. To paraphrase German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, the Balkans is not worth the bones of a single healthy American rifleman. Yugoslavia obviously poses no direct threat to the U.S. or any U.S. ally.”

At the end of it all it came out that the White House had “helped” in targeting and advising the military operations from the White House.

They had the same F117 fly down the exact same valley on various sorties until they realized an idiot or a traitor was running the show in the US. They realized that yes at about this time it will fly by. They finally shot it down. They probably used two toddlers on hot wheel tricycles with walmart walky talkies as their advance recon team.

They actually bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade there were maybe two or three people there at the time but still. I’d like to add that the CCP was getting some serious push back from their peeps right up until then. Suddenly the people rallied to the defense of China.

There was another strange thing that happened about that time frame. The Chinese managed to insert for the first time several things in inconceivably perfect orbits. After a bit of research it was discovered that a certain company had sold them the software. Because of ITAR TAS restrictions they’d done the right thing and had inquired as to whether it was or was not ok. The response was Meh! It was anything but. Meh! They got the shaft. Boy did they!

There were some horrible fires in New Mexico and the crown jewels of our nukes was stolen and then discovered behind a copier on the missing discs. All of this happened while everyone had been evacuated from the facility. Yeah right.

Okay so the senate hearings are about to start and something has happened that is a game changer. Larry Flynt that bastion of morality and civility has put out an advertisement seeking dirt on Republicans without saying it that way. He tried the same thing with Trump. He knows his customer base doesn’t he. That link is below like the rest of them.

Here’s the article on that.

He took out a lot of people. Evil eats their own so big deal right? Suddenly the doors for the senate were closed for the hearing. What did he have on Trent Lott? There were a lott of rumors. The net seems to be scoured clean of them these days.

During the hearings not one democrat looked at the evidence. Then as now they don’t care. It’s about power.

Before I end this. How does this apply to Project 2025? Well it’s like this. We have such a mess of conflicting laws at this point that certain types as we’ve seen a lot of lately get to pick and choose what they want to abide by. They’ve created an environment ripe for a tyrant to finish us off. Time for us to scour the Shire.

That’s enough of that. I’ll pick up the 2000 election and what followed.

The link to the CATO institute on this subject.

Wiki article on Lewinsky

SNL video link .

Here are a couple of lies he got caught in. And some of the women.

expanded NATO
His buddy Marc Rich looted Russia by helping their oligarchs shaft the people.

Unintended Consequences was written by John Ross and released in 1996. One look at the cover tells you where we were at that point. People had noticed that the Omnibus Crime Bill with the assault weapons ban had some interesting things in it. There were rules and laws and sentencing for derailing trains and interrupting just about anything that looked suspiciously like someone was preparing for a serious internal struggle session on a national level. One thing that had become a bit too common was this. Here is a recent example of what started back then.
Here is a video of the raid as it started.

At the pacific rim conference Madelane halfbright had to go elsewhere, but they graced the attendees with a video presentation. I don’t remember all of it, but there was a line I really do remember “And North Korea, we really don’t fear ya, cuz your missile is called no dong!”

He created the law that got him impeached as a political tool to use against Pataki et all.
The video below shows where the artist that did the clinton painting for the national gallery added Monicas shadow.

The impeachment and investigations led to some crazy events. Hustler Magazine Larry Flynt the poster child for bad aim. Created a serious mess.

Military operations planning was occurring in the white house. F117 was routed down the same valley until it got shot down. A Chinese embassy was blown up with maybe two or three people in it. It was picked as a target. CCP was in trouble at home this gave them a rallying cry against the us.

The book is available on their website right here at this link.
You can read it here for free.

Or you can buy it here. For $35

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