Redefining Manliness Through Friendship

9 months ago

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Maybe this episode should be called, from friendship to true friendship. Because there is no other place I have seen two men connect in such an impactful, life changing way. I think that scares us, I know it scares a lot of us. Just imagine I throw the word intimacy out there when referring to a relationship between two men and watch what happens.

Intimacy, that’s not manly at all! Really, well why don’t we stop allowing culture to define what manly is. Go check out at my week one blog. And while we’re at it, why don’t we check the definition of intimacy. It simply means, close familiarity or friendship. By default I think people hear the word intimacy and think about the other definition, which is, an intimate act, especially sexual intercourse.

Ok, now that you are awake, stop allowing culture and fear to define or better yet exclude you from something you need (not referring to the second definition, that’s a whole other podcast…Men of Iron after dark).

Let's get back to it. A close friendship, is that asking too much? Maybe the problem is that we need to make it simpler and define friendship.

We have completely watered down the definition of friendship to the point of clicking a button now makes you my friend. That's a problem. True friendship is the man who picks up the phone at 3am when you call…as long as his ringer is on. True friendship allows us to speak criticism, but in love, with a pure desire to see improvement.

True friendship involves confrontation (another word we are convinced is a bad thing). Do you see what I am getting at?

Don’t allow culture to define intimacy, friendship, or manliness.

You take ownership of what is true and beneficial. You change a culture, one man at a time. That’s what it takes, will you accept the challenge? So let’s take the next step and go deeper in our friendship with other Godly men. Let’s also look and see what relationships we may need to pull back from a little or possibly completely.

And that is not to judge others, it is to set boundaries and remain, or become spiritually healthy. Again, this is not about ending friendships with non-Christians. It is about making sure we have balance and a good representation of Godly men in our close circle.

Is there a friend you feel can be your mentor, or a friend you feel you can mentor, well ask him.

Ask him today, he may be waiting for an opportunity like this. Pray about it today and ask God what action he wants you to take in all your close friendships. God will move, but he won’t move you. You need to take the first step. Pray and act on what God says. If you do, I know you will soon be entering into a true, life changing experience. Don’t rob yourself, or let others rob you. Seek deeper friendship and possibly even a mentorship.

We would love to help equip you for this journey, reach out to us today and let us be a resource for you!

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