Episode 185, "The Larry Sharpe Remix Episode"

9 months ago

-Andrew For America presents a new and improved video episode replaying Andrew's fantastic conversation with former libertarian candidate for governor of New York, Mr. Larry Sharpe. They discuss podcasts being "the future of media," the importance of "trusted" sources of information, their military service, the perils of discovering the realities of this world, the two-party system, money in politics, the ability (or lack thereof) for third-party ballot/debate access, how voluntaryism works, modern leadership defined as voluntaryism, confusing capitalism with oligarchy, Robert Ringer, Harry Browne, Ayn Rand and objectivism, Ross Perot scaring the establishment, the need for more "David's" and less "Goliath's" in society, the importance of courage and perspective, the war on drugs, the difference between market forces vs. government forces, the spirit of America and how America has become its "father," the need for us all to "accept the challenge" with regard to finding common sense solutions to our problems regardless of partisanship, and a whole lot more! Andrew begins the show by sharing a clip from former CNN "news" anchor Chris Cuomo (who recently made some ridiculous public statements about Covid and Ivermectin) and from Dave Smith who recently stated that it is our job to educate others about how this world actually works. Shout out to Moral Bob!

-The song selection is the song, "Live Your Own Life" by the band Fourth In Line.

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