KRYON – The Future of the OLD SOUL

2 months ago

In the future on this planet old souls will will be born without Karma and without the Akashic sub-conscious overhangs.

They will be able to utilize the invisible 24 pair of chromosomes that has been time capsuled for this very time for humanity.

People will gravitate towards these old souls as they will be like masters and “religions” will greatly change.

The future of the old soul is the future of humanity.

The wise ones – the masters – the old souls of the future will teach that God is Love and there is no right religion. All we need to know is God is Love.

The 24th pair of chromosomes are our life instructions for this special given from the Creator.

These old souls will have attractive energy and they will teach tolerance to others.

One of the keys of Masters is compassion, tolerance and empathy and the understanding that we all come from the same Source.

Love is and what will be the answer and that is the main feature of the old souls of the future.

Source: Kryon Lee Carroll --


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END. 6/6/2024 – 9:00 PM

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