Oz on Two Wheels - Ep 1: "Licensed to Ride"

26 days ago

It's been a long time since I've done regular uploads to this channel. For the last 2 years I've been doing Vlog style videos to the associated channel, 'Keeping it Real'. I've been waiting for a travel type project that I am really keen to cover. Then, out of the blue I found it. My next series for 'Oz in Pictures' is going to be travelling around Australia on a motorcycle.

This is a long way from being on the water in a boat, and until recently I didn't even have a motorcycle license. But now I do and I am absolutely loving it. I'll cover why I decided to get my license in a later video but suffice it to say, it wasn't until I was riding that I realised I had found my next passion and only then that I decided I had to get into touring.

Up front, I came into this knowing nothing about bikes so there are going to be a lot of rookie moments. But I've found that there is something to be said for fully immersing yourself in something you enjoy and for the last 3 months pretty much all I've been researching is motorcycles. I'll try and cover my journey and look forward to sharing it with you.

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