Conventional schooling has put us asleep. Everything happens in pulses, not linear.

8 months ago

Terrence Howard Explains Why "1 x 1 = 2" | (Neil deGrasse Tyson Furiously Condemns Equation)

00:00 - Terrence Howard calls out Neil deGrass Tyson
01:22 - 1 x 1 = 2 (Explained) + Neil deGrass Tyson feud continued.
04:15 - Terrence Howard claims particle physics is incorrect by default (founded on probabilities) Howard sheds light onto 1 x 1 = 2 as being far deeper than a simple mathematical ratio, but rather a universal ratio defining the ethers role within the universe. Terrence provides insights into the "void" of the cosmos, the unseen "carrying medium" of the electric field that's in us and all around us.
06:30 - Terrence Howard explains how we have been fooled by our senses by believing in Newtonian physics (straight lines in quantum nature) and subsequently missed the harmonic balance of all things in nature. The natural breathing in and breathing out of all things pertaining to electro-magnetism.
10:10 - Terrence Howard breaks down what exactly he "found in the void" and how he is using these discoveries to transform current industries of flight, lighting, super symmetrical systems plus much more.
13:23 - Terrence Howard explains the laws of the universe, contraction and expansion, suggesting we've been misled all along by focusing purely on the expansive, radiative side of things.
15:12 - Everything in the universe is just electricity, magnetism is simply devitalised electricity.

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