Astrology for the Soul May 29, 2024

9 months ago

I will explore new possibilities, 
As the known and familiar fails, 
Trusting that interest and curiosity, 
Will put wind back in my sails.

In typical Gemini fashion, by the end of the week, we have both high and light Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and the Sun together in Gemini AND a heavy, intense Mars conjunct Chiron (and north node) in Aries. They are spread apart by a few days, indicating that there will be a banquet feast once we complete the initiation!

As I mentioned in the report, these four conjunctions happening this week signal the closing of four old cycles, modes of operation, attitudes, work, relationships, beliefs, etc. to "clean our plate" so to speak, in preparation for a whole new cycle to begin. In other words, it's like the sunset of one day is quickly followed by the sunrise of the next. The more clearing we can do, the more space and energy the new cycle will have to come into fruition. Erase that chalkboard!

This week's song is Pachamama! ⁠
Here's the link to join the NVC course starting Saturday! ⁠⁠ 

So Much Love,

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