Adorable Toddler Can’t Be Trusted

6 years ago

Toddlers are such cute little innocent creatures. However, just because they are cute and angelic, it doesn’t mean that they always stay true to their words. This hilarious video is here to prove that toddlers can’t be trusted! It’s a beautiful sunny day, and this little girl and her grandpa are spending it on a beach building sand castles. So much fun! Grandpa says that he’s trusting her not to knock his sandcastle down. She promises that she won’t do it and grandpa flips over a bucket full of sand right in front of her. And does the little girl keep her promise? You guessed it right, she goes back on her word and knocks down the bucket seconds after grandpa built it. LOL! You can tell that this little girl is not trustworthy at all. She said that she won’t knock the sandcastle don, but she did it anyway! Maybe she should try and regain her grandpa's trust. Too cute for words!

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