Trump lost the most most money in office of any politician, because he's honest.

10 months ago

They have Trump on trial, because he's honest, and smart honest people are not welcome in the system of corruption. How do the other politicians make more money than they get paid? They take bribes.

Trump was rich from abusing the same issues in the system to get by as they did, but when he became leader of the USA, he sought to close the abuses.

When Trump was in office, he did the following things right in my book:

1) Trump put tariffs on China... Should have been done in the 60s on Steel, but better late than never.

2) He Trump didn't enforce the Johnston Amendment that limits what preachers in churches can talk about.

3) Trump had such a good economy, the danger was deflation or your dollar buying too much, not inflation.

4) No major wars under Trump, and the Middle East was mostly calm compared to most other administrations. Scary lookin' dudes like Trump aren't in many fights. Limp wristed push overs are like Biden get abused.

5) Moves the US embassy to Jerusalem and everyone was happy.

6) Trump was bringing jobs back to America.

7) The bad guys wanted Trump impeached when he was inaugurated before he did anything... Globalist naz1, terrorist, communists all united under one flag: World Economic Forum hate Trump:
That's the moment I realized it was just a media blitz to make Trump look bad when they wanted him impeached and he did nothing yet!

No one can name a good policy that Biden did...

-1) Biden caused inflation/high gas prices by not harvesting oil, and signaling the end of the gas powered car.

-2)Biden tried to outlaw free speech.

-3)Biden caused the race riots to get in office: (Chuck D of all people, you should be mad the globalist naz1s are pushing division to try and take back the victory you won against racism by the late 80s)

-4) Biden outlawed freedom of the press and doesn't talk to press: Just ask @EmmaJoNYC

-5) Biden abandoned a 50 year strategy to limit terrorism by not empowering OPEC with $$. Biden surrendered a won war in Afghanistan, abandoning allies to die and be tortured. Biden paid Iran who goes into North Africa r@pe, torture, pillage, and enslave by the millions. Human traffickers are now bribe/threatening everyone on Earth, the slaver/terrorists are in charge of the world now. Every body is worth on average 500,000$; If not a sex slave, labor slave, if not a labor slave, they harvest their organs oftentimes without sedative: NEO Silk Road is now globally franchised

-6) Biden imports terrorists, gang lords, Chinese nationalists, the STD expelled, and prisoners... Many of which are trained soldiers and my family knows of occurrences even locally of them trying to abduct people in America. Major cities are being destroyed by looting and violent crimes.

-7) Joe Started World War 3 to pay off his son's hooker tab in Ukraine/Dubai/etc.

-8) Joe Takes bribes from a literal naz1.

-9) Joe's a racist:

-10) I could be here for days saying the bad stuff he did... BUt I did say he would do it years before he did it:

Trump helped America but television, radio, newspaper, entertainment said he was bad. Biden destroyed America and the press said he was good. Who do you believe?

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