Futuring New Earth Today

3 months ago

Futuring the New Earth

By Jane Evershed

The emphasis is on ring here. The ring is the resonance we are building up to: One unified angelic song of creation which manifests our future: The New Earth.

Now that enough of us have remembered how to tap into cosmic wisdom we are moving into action-mode as the shackles of the old world fall away like autumn leaves.

Humanity is receiving messages from newly aligned celestial arrangements about our true purpose where every single soul receives their unique mission to contribute to the whole. Our creation currency is kicking in as never before, while new and ancient tools, organic technologies and harmonic modes of being come on line.

Futuring is a verb that lives in the now, yet embodies actions that will affect our future for thousands of years to come. Those who know are setting the table for the ultimate feast of abundance, where everyone has the chance to fulfill a meaningful life and purpose.

There is no more gluttony and service to self. There are no idols at the head of the table to foment scarcity, poverty disease and addiction. There are no sentinels to banish the undeserved. The insanity of the acceptance of war and bloodletting is banished from the realm, the emphasis being moved wholly away from destruction toward creation.

In this reinvented realm of harmonic resonance the future rings bright for all the children of the divine creator and innocence is as revered as the original sacred blueprint of life, now honored.

The psychological dystopia of the fear of death no longer foments the need for people to grovel before towers of statutory paperwork dealt out by experts of dark diction administering spells laced with legal arsenic.

Many divine souls are realizing the old limitations of the alphabet of existence and moving beyond the babble of these spells. We are developing a whole new language of communication befitting higher dimensions than the one that has petrified us. Operating at any level at the behest of a system that controls and imprisons is no longer physically, psychically or spiritually possible.

In this new world we are manifesting, there are no soulless AI data thieves to steal the seat of humanity’s natural creative genius. The endless treadmill and pursuit of the material is vanquished and replaced with an organic spiritual mode of existence that is no longer pierced by subliminal, external and superficially inseminated wants.

With the release now of long hidden aetherically secret technologies there are no looming bills, demands, foreclosures, repossessing of vehicles, swat teams to shake the foundation and peace of the shelters wherein our families reside.

With the severing of the arms of the media-circus octopus, we see examples of positive change reported in the world around us and are inspired to participate with gusto. All psychological propaganda dies at the doorstep of the now discerning fully awakened Earth-being populace.

The temptation to murder, cheat steal, lie and live a life of bizarre desires born of dysfunctional and unstable upbringings and CIA programs will vanish as the harmonics of joy and oneness infiltrate the aether with stories of our positive conscious evolution and truths of such magnitude that we are immediately enlightened upon hearing them.

Governments and institutions that perpetuated corruption and distortions out into the field will cease to exist as human autonomy grows, thereby overriding the now glaringly obvious mechanisms of control and limitation that once monitored our every move.

Our previously confined lives riddled with borders, passports, roadblocks and cordoned natural areas will dissolve as we begin to levitate above all the walls and fences constructed by an invading species that feared our freedom and divinity more than the devil himself.

As the veil lifts to reveal all, we will recognize the Death-Cult-Trinity of Satan operating in our midst: We will ask “Is that our true Father and where is our Divine Mother, she seems to have been missing for eons?

Then, when the Mother returns in all her wisdom, she will fill that long-lost void of glaringly absent love and nurturing. Where we had perpetually stuffed our false-light superficial desires of immediate gratification into this void, we now have no need to do so.

We shall have all the nourishment our minds, hearts and bodies ever needed, so freeing us to be fully realized as the divine beings that we truly are. Before us shall we witness as one the shift into the New Earth and we will be ready!

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