Six Million Reasons to Doubt the Narrative

19 days ago

The reason that you hear so often that six million Jews were slaughtered by what we're told were blood-thirsty Germans during WWII is not based on reality, but on a re-occurring theme that has been repeated many times throughout history by Jewish propagandists in order to build public sympathy, and to [somehow] forestall a specific Biblical prophecy. Apparently, there is a Talmudic teaching about a particular prophecy pursuant to which the Jews believe that by repeating this "six million" number over and over and over again, and instilling this "magical" number into the public consciousness as if it were a historical fact, will prevent the prophecy from ever actually coming true.
According to published census figures and other primary sources of information which are still available to researchers from the time period of 1933 - 1949, there were never 6,000,000 Jews in Europe who were living within the control of Nazi Germany, and according to the International Red Cross, fewer than 500,000 were ever incarcerated in German POW camps. So, the six million number is grossly exaggerated.
Watch this video to learn more.
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