I am not your entertainer, i am your teacher.

9 months ago

being on the sidelines you get depressed, in the field i found my confidence, i know myself, who am i, who are you?
i am who i am or are you not?
are you what you are ? or are you not being at all.
what is being?
to be or not to be.
im not the idiot, you are just to stupid to understand.
most people are 99% of all people are , stupid.
everything you know is wrong, you have compartmentalised your brain to much, your locked up in a spiritual box called the matrix, you have been indoctrinated, you are constantly bombarded with subliminal attackā€™s, ultra frequency sound waves, micro wave weapons, gmo foods, and sow much more, i have spent a life time making mistakes and learning from some of the wisest people to walk this planet, and i am ready to fill my role, which i feel is my destiny, i am not a prophet or messiah, i am not God nor close to being God, i am a human like you, but i am a teacher, not a follower.
And all the sow called light workers and guruā€™s are all satanist charlatans.
world upside down
genius people are dumb
good people are evil
truth is lies
heroes are criminals
leaders are followers
handsome seem ugly
beauty seen as filth
goodnes seen as stupidity
criminals in power
decievers have the stages
it is all upside down

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