Oregon Dept Of Public Works Circa 1970: X Users Beg Officials To Blow Up Dead Whale On Oregon Beach

1 month ago

If you've ever been on the Internet (and since you're reading Twitchy, you clearly are), you've probably seen the video out of Florence, Oregon -- it was 1970, and a dead whale washed up on the beach. Authorities decided to blow it up with a half-ton of dynamite. The result was a hail storm of dead whale blubber -- one that crushed at least one car. No one was hurt, but the video is epic. History is repeating itself. NOAA says the dead whale seen floating off the Oregon coast has washed ashore. The public is being asked to stay away from the carcass so they can conduct an exam. And X users are here for it: They have the chance to do the funniest thing. - 3 Words: Pay. Per. View. …

Rumble: The Original Disposal Of Oregon Beached Whale: November 12, 1970
Twitchy: A Chance to Do the FUNNIEST Thing: X Users Beg Officials to Blow Up Dead Whale on Oregon Beach
KPTV Fox 12 Oregon: Dead whale floating off Oregon coast washes ashore north of Nehalem Jetty

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