The Plan to Genocide the White European Race of America – The Immigration Invasion

9 months ago

Benjamin Netanyahu: “America is a Golden Calf and we will Suck it Dry. Chop it up and sell it off piece by piece until there is Nothing left.”

Abe Foxman – ADL Chairman: “It is worth any price to annihilate the next generation of White Children. It is now time to make sure the White Race becomes extinct through miscegenation and having virtually zero birth rate. I Speak of the Death of the White Race. The complete removal of all means of reproduction of the so called Aryan Race.”

The children’s vaccines are designed to cause infertility.

Mossad: “By Way of Deception, Thou Shall Make War.”

Rabbi Aryeh Friedman: “The Holocaust is a Successful Historic Fiction.”

Netanyahu also said if Jesus were alive today he would recrucify him.

This is the man that Biden, Trump & Obama all LOVE.

This is the man that our Traitor Government supports and his Psyop War with Hamas.

Jews make up over 90% of our Cabinet and only 2.4% of Jews make up America. My math may be a bit fuzzy but this just doesn’t add up here.

Israel is about the size of New Jersey so why is America controlled by Jews?

Biden: “My dad told me that I don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.”

And this is the moronic traitor who is supposedly our President?

Just as Americans are still sleeping from the Covid Vaccines, they don’t even care we have a traitor for a president and don’t care that the media is controlled and lies ALL the time.

Americans have become so weak minded and are sound asleep while the government is destroying everything we once loved about America.

I have this channel to try and wake people up but once I started uploading videos about Trump and how he is in on this Genocidal Plan, Rumble changed everything up and I get less views and less followers.

“They” control everything. They control mainstream media, alternative media and social media, plus the newspapers.

Richard Nixon was right back in the early 70’s when he said Jews are dishonest, disloyal and can’t be trusted. They were pretty much in control back then.

Now they are in complete control and have everyone so deeply hypnotized that they flat out tell us what they are going to do to us and there is no reaction from Americans.

They have taken over all areas of the government and allowed over half of America to become completely dependent on the government.

When someone is dependent on the government, the government has you under control, you have no freedom, liberties or rights – you now have privileges.

America was founded by white Christian Europeans and the objective was to begin bringing immigrants in from all around the world and having those white Europeans breed with all the other races to rid the pure race, it’s cultural and the values.

Once that is done, it’s game over.

There will be on identity and no true leadership.

How many immigrants does Israel allow to enter their country?

As you will see in this video it is Israel who is behind the Immigration, they fund it all and provide the transportation.

Who is behind the Censorship of Free Speech in America? The Zionist Jews.

Who was behind 911?

Mossad: “By Way of Deception, Thou Shall Make War.”

Rabbi Aryeh Friedman: “The Holocaust is a Successful Historic Fiction.”

All videos and posts are analyzed for “Anti-Semitic” features. So, this video may be censored.

What makes this control all possible?

Controlling the Banks.

Control the Money, control the people.

They want the United States being the Divided States – they want about 50% Republican and 50% Democrat. When one side gets higher, they will have the perceived “bad party players” change their tune to get more favored to get it back to about 50/50.

This is monitored ALL the time and it is how they plan their “party” narratives.

This is why an Independent Politician will never be allowed to be president and even if they somehow did, they would be powerless to the system.

People just have no clue what is going on and how little their vote counts towards democracy.

Source: @skydomeatlantis --


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END. 6/6/2024 – 6:00 PM

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