Who do they think they are? Bill to disestablish the Church of England! UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

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They started with legalising homosexuality and they ended with abolishing the Church of England! When will we say "I DO NOT CONSENT".

The plan has always been the monarch gives up their power. (Dog King)
1. Regionalisation (in USA too, FEMA regions)
2. Disestablish the Church of England
3.. Abolish parliament in favour of regional parliaments answering to EU
4. Abolish common law. Full administration via the EU and Globalism (UN)

Communists/Roman Law complete. NO MORE FREEDOM.

Primary way to stop it - VOTE them out. Void the acts of union (the British are the seed of globalism), remove the centralised civil service, TREASON TRIALS. Return England back to decentralised Christian nation.

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