Get Out to Vote on May 30 - VP of Lake Forest Caucus Joe Oriti Explains Why!

9 months ago

Join us for an insightful conversation with Joe Oriti, the incoming President of the Lake Forest Caucus Committee, currently held in limbo until the slate is approved. In this episode, we dive into the pressing issues facing the Caucus and explore why it's crucial to get out and vote to save the Caucus. We also discuss the potential for online voting and its implications.

Should the Caucus allow online voting? Take The Survey

Key Moments:
2:50 New Trier Admin gets 8 Million Pension
4:05 Caucus Meetings started being put online 2021-2022
4:31 Podcast Caucus Clip
5:30 Market Square Memorial Day
8:05 Democratic National Convention in Chicago
8:33 Pete's Impersonation of Richard J Daley
10:21 Joe Oriti Vice President Lake Forest Caucus Joins the show
11:35 Joe Oriti Summary of current situations
13:28 Caucus Bylaws
16:55 If its another No Vote Result then what?
18:32 What would Joe Oriti work on fixing first with the Caucus Bylaws?
20:15 Why were the Bylaws changed the last time?\
21:14 Where are the Caucus Minutes prior to 2021?
23:41 Small group of people holding up the election process
25:46 Joe Oriti Message to people that voted no last time
28:36 Are Caucus members going to sue?
29:00 Legal Letter
30:30 What is
34:04 What if Caucus slate is never approved?
41:01 What's the number one thing that needs to be changed in the bylaws to get more people to come out to vote online
42:10 Why would opposition vote against online voting?
45:11 Is the opposition trying to bankrupt the lake forest caucus committee?
50:18 Caucus President can spend 200-500 hours per year
51:12 Pete's opinion on what save lake forest means Look at what happened to Highland Park
1:04:00 How Can people help caucus
1:06:10 Take our survey and share your opinion: Should the Caucus allow online voting? Vote here:

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