Dark to Light: The End of the World As We Know It?

Streamed on:

Eat More Carnivore, Buy Some Frikken Jerky: https://matthatjerky.com/TRACYBEANZ

It is an important show today, as we revisit a story from last year, and talk about the changes beginning to percolate in humanity. We discuss the pole shift, using two different scientific philosophies, and then we talk about what we can (and should) be doing about it in our daily lives here today. All of the material you need will be below. Please make sure to check out the links.

The original alien broadcast: https://twitter.com/anonymoushadoww/status/1666656786009702400

Forensic Investigators video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s8RiQZGW5o

Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGTV-Qdv1P4

Fox News: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/las-vegas-alien-video-shows-at-least-2-beings-using-cloaking-device-im-opening-it-up-to-peer-review/ar-BB1naW3s?ocid=BingNewsSerp

The Pole Shift:

Suspicious Observers: https://www.youtube.com/@Suspicious0bservers

The Ethical Skeptic Series: https://theethicalskeptic.com/2020/02/16/the-climate-change-alternative-we-ignore-to-our-peril/



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