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Brave Toad Decides To Chill On Top Of Patient Dog's Head

6 years ago

It's not often you get to see a dog with a toad chillin' on its head! What an unusual and adorable friendship! Don’t know if it will last though, it remains to be seen.

Clarita the dog has indeed found a very peculiar and shall we say dauntless friend in one scaly little frog. Clara sits super still in the grass, minding her own business, but making sure not to disturb the froggy in her moment of chill.

Both animals just sit there, canine and amphibian, while the humans revel in their genuine get-together. While the mom is filming her family pet lounging on the grass with her new buddy, the kids squeal with joy, seeing how their doggy sits so serenely while an icky little frog lays on the top of her head. When will they ever see that happen again?

Let’s face it; this does not look like a relationship that will last more than this video. We presume Clara was just chilling herself when the frog decided to hop on the fluffy train and take a chill of her own. Seeing how the dog couldn’t care less what is on her head, the toad probably figured this is as best a place to relax and catch some down time. Whatever it is, at that exact moment the two wildly different species decided they trust one another enough to catch a breath.

If that isn’t heartwarming, we don’t know what is.