The Generation Gap In America | Boomers | Gen X | Gen Z | Open Panel

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An open panel discussion of the Generation Gap in America between Boomers, Gen X, and Gen Z.

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National Alternative is a voice of reason and truth. Spreading a more nationalist message for the people of this nation. #politcs #Nationalalternative #alternative #blackculture
This channel will feature interviews, live discussions, political analysis of current events, and our organization's achievements.

New Frontier is a 501c7 organization that focuses on community action and creating the next generation of leaders in local communities across the United States of America.

New Frontier's primary focus is to provide a genuine alternative to the two-party system by directly challenging them in areas that they have neglected and forgotten.

As an organization, we firmly believe that we must build strong relationships with everyday working-class people, small business owners, independent candidates, and others who are making changes in our communities for the betterment of this nation and its people.

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