Recent CCP Actions Suggest Xi Jinping May Be Ready to Invade Taiwan

9 months ago

05/24/2024 Aila on Grant Stinchfield Show: Right after Taiwan celebrated the inauguration of President Lai Ching-te, the CCP reacted quickly by launching large-scale military exercises around the island of Taiwan. At the same time, the CCP launched a social media campaign to force many Chinese celebrities and public figures to repost messages that Taiwan will be unified with China. It sounds to us like Xi Jinping is ready to invade Taiwan.
05/24/2024 小飞象做客Grant Stinchfield Show:在台湾庆祝赖清德总统就职之后,中共迅速做出反应,围绕台湾岛展开了大规模军事演习。同时,中共还发起了社交媒体活动,迫使许多中国的知名人士和公众人物转发台湾将与中国统一的言论,这让我们感觉习近平已经做好了入侵台湾的准备。

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