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How the World Looks - A Deep Dive into my Mind

8 months ago


Join me for this conversation where I share the visions and concepts that come up for me on my quest for truth

There is so much about this world and reality that we have no clue about.

This is where I go each day within my meditations, envisioning how the world we live on has evolved and imagining sitting with God as he explains the true history of this realm. HI Story - HIGH Story - The Story of the most High

We are in The Trumans show right now as we enter The Revelations, we are in Biblical times and what comes next is going to be a world of Love, Freedom and Magic.

The Earth we live on is the tree of life, and the land spirals down. There is a reason the entire world is so focussed on Israel right now, this is because Israel is the highest lands, it is the Holy Land and the Good Spiritual Warriors of this world have been fighting for our freedoms for generations

All creation is Gods Creation - So Time, Maps, History, Scripture all is the work of God, and guess what?

God Wins

If you would like to be involved in these calls, join our coaching community and dive into a whole new world of challenging the mind and expanding our consciousness

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  • Amazing, Harry! I love this! So many things to learn and to think about. I was just reminded, this morning, we are in this world, not of this world. Love you and a big thank you for all the time you research and for sharing with us. 💕🙏🏻🕊️🌎🌳

  • I’m so glad I’ve found you again on here Harry! I’ve been checking in and been worried! I hope you’re well xx

  • Yep I would sound a nut job that’s for sure trying to explain this stuff. 🤪The people that am around can’t seem to get the convid is a load of complete crap.🤪🤣🤣

  • Really appreciated all of this Harry, really is exciting. I live in Australia, and it is said that Uluru (Ayres Rock) a monumental sandstone monolith, between 400 and 300 million years ago the sea's receded, and once, what was originally at the bottom of a large ocean, now sits as a large sandstone rock in a desert with an elevation of 2,831 ft. All that traversed this world, the explorers, the masons, etc. gave us their stories, maps, information of all they seen, how much of that earth has since changed, like Uluru, all of God's creation is truly amazing and how it all works, there is so much for us to learn, to discover and know. To view the Earth as looking down as a spiral flow does change one's perspective, what would that view be if compared to the human body? interesting thought, Christ consciousness the star of David, the mind, Israel? hmmm, good journey in meditation. Always love and appreciate all you give Harry, thank you so much for your souls love and encouraging us to expand within ourselves. Love & Light Always. M.

  • Cracking, love it ✌️✌️✌️