Judaism, "Christianity," & Politics

9 months ago

AdamGreen & "Brother" Nathanael Kapner
Adam Green uses a #NWO bible for his philosophy. When i first saw him in a mid-March video, he was alone, and on a wrong rant about "the bible." He basically said the OT will not lead you to Jesus. The rumble channel is, Know More News w/ the pic of him back-lit like he's Jesus.

His rhetoric is appealing to a lot of young Catholics who have grown up w/ little biblical understanding and hence are ill prepared for life. And because, according to him it is all from "the bible," he is loud and angry. He should be angry. The other young people should be angry. But they are dead damn wrong and angry at the wrong thing. They should be angry to have the wrong bible.

These NWO bibles are a shifting sand. For example, the NIV (Non-Inspired Version) is contrary unto itself. Also, cross references in the King James Version (KJV) do not work in the NIV. The Nestle-Aland Greek is still on the 28th edition, but plans are in the making for a 32nd.

The "Hebrew" is not much better. Mr. Green continually referred to the Septuagint. Internal evidence in the lineage of Noah proves this doc is a fraud. Noah's daddy would have to tread water for a year. The embedded End Time math when Enoch was caught up is GONE. This doc is a fairy tale.

Mr. Green also used the Tanach. Which 50yrs ago, if you asked why is the Tanach arranged in this order? The answer would have been, "Because the prophesies of Daniel did not come true. Therefore, he is less trustworthy." Now it is used to perpetrate a fraud to discredit the Daniel 9 math that leads us to look for Jesus in 1C AD. If i had lived in Dan's day i would have painted the math on the side of my house & told the kids to look for the Messiah around 1C. Read a KJV and you see evidence of this expectation.

Mr. Green said he was working on a book. It could help us or deeply hurt a lot of people. i hope he finds out the truth before it is too late. I would buy 3 dozen copies if he would write the truth of why #NWO bibles are so devilly. i would send a copy to my Evangelical friends. Maybe they would reconsider their Zionist views. The KJV is SO VERY CLEAR on this issue.

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