Chic's Chatting About Jeeps!

1 month ago

In the booth, selling shirts. It was great. And then took a group out. We went through the trails. It's amazing. The side-by-sides and the quads and the bikes don't care that there's a giant Jeep coming at them. They whip around corners. I almost ate a few people. Then they think that they pull over, that I'm as narrow as they are to fit around them. At one point, I'm like, look, I am the biggest one in the group. I'm the most experienced. If I'm worried, you should be even more worried. Because if I can get past you, it doesn't mean that they can. Might want to. So we got through it. And we wound up-- I took the whole team. It was a two and a half hour ride down to a gorgeous lake. That tremendous drop down. It's fed by a couple of waterfalls with barbecue dinner. And then made our way back in the dark. And then I showed them around the mud bogs and all of that. So it was nice. But it was three days is a long time. Three days can be a long time in the mud bogs. I can only imagine. But what a great way to spend the holiday weekend. Yeah. So what did you do? I was able to spend time with family and friends. We did take a little bit of a break today to be able to honor our heroes today. So I have a local parade that's right here in my hometown. Got to go. They had lots of vintage jeeps in it. So I was really excited to see all those. Were you in the parade? I was not. I got to be a spectator for a change. And I got to be honest, it was kind of nice. So we did take a break from the parade for just this special holiday. Someone can really spend some time with their own heroes and honoring our heroes. Because we just got back from a really big trip out to Sand Hollow, Utah, which we can dive into it a little bit about what we do with that. But it was nice to be able to kind of have a day. So and spend time with our own jeeps a little bit.

I took time to spend the day with my pillows and my puppies in bed. I have not had a day off without an event since February. Oh my goodness, yes. But we love it, right? This is why we do it. Because we get to connect with everybody so much. It's nice. Someone had asked me their likes. So how many events do you do a year? And 49. 49, yes. I haven't started counting yet. I'm going to after this year. This has been my biggest year so far. And what is today's date? So we're halfway through. We're about to hit the halfway mark. And we're off and running. So it's really good. Yes. And now we just have that whole Florida Trail team challenge that they approached me about yesterday that I messaged you about. So they're going to sponsor a team of women. And so I'm trying to get a couple of women teams together for that.

So that will be event number 50. Have you ever done this event before? Can you tell me later?

So I took a call with the woman whose son runs the entire thing. And I do want to get her on the show because I think it's such an empowering thing to have women do challenges like this. So there's going to be firearms. And it's navigation, first aid, recovery, 24 hours. And it's eight hour shifts and doing all sorts of--

you start Friday night, check in, and then you're good until it ends at 3 o'clock on Sunday. My nickname is Natty Navigation. So I feel like this is something I need to go do. I think you need to meet me down in Florida. I think I do, too. It'll be fun.

So each team is a jeep and a person.

So we've got to get a couple of teams together. For sure, for sure. Definitely something fun to talk about.

High Lift is definitely between you and someone else from High Lift. Get you guys down there. Get all girls-- Team, couple of teams going. Definitely be a thing.

We're not just a shop. We are a whole family. We're a lifestyle. We are out on the trails with you as-- because you don't just become a customer with us. You are a family. You become our trail family because we help you build it. And then we take you out from your very first 101 class, no matter what your build size is, from going from stock to 35s or going up to 42s. And it's your first time. So you have to know how to use what you just built. So we love being able to do that and offer that opportunity.

That's awesome. So where do you usually do-- where's the first trip that you usually take people out to? First trip, we have been doing what's called a park out in Attica, Indiana, called Badlands Off-Road Park. And it's becoming more and more popular

It's a family-owned business and operation in Attica. It is what Attica is.

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