Judicial Corruption caused me to do 25yrs. for a crime I didn’t commit.

1 month ago

Pain, oh how intimately I know its depths. Hell, I have traversed its treacherous terrain. For twenty-five long years, I endured its torment in solitude. Walking amidst the devil's minions, I felt their presence suffocate me, overpower me. But what made it even more unbearable was my innocence amidst this inferno.

I fought relentlessly in the court for a quarter of a century, tirelessly striving to prove my innocence, only to be met with indifference. When I say, "I know the devil," believe me, I am intimately acquainted with his ways, as he preys upon us and our loved ones. It is imperative that I shed light on the injustice I have endured, bringing my story to the forefront.

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