Molly Jong-Fast: Biden Is a ‘Protector of Institutions’; He Should Run as ‘the Keeper of Democracy’

1 month ago

PSAKI: “I think for the Biden campaign, Molly, as you know, they’re thinking about the overall electorate and obviously how to get more votes. That’s how you win campaigns. But there is this risk, which I think they’re fully aware of, that if he does not say something that the kind of base of the party feels is strong enough when this case is resolved, that people will feel upset, disappointed, even more complacent. I mean, how do you strike that balance if you’re them?”

Jong-Fast: “Well, look, I think that Biden has done well with he is a protector of institutions. Like, important institutions. Like democracy. Right? He should run as that, the keeper of democracy. It’s a flawed system but it works. And I would say, look, I still think if you look at these polls — I just wrote a long thing on the polls. And they really do — they take a lot of these voters that — Trump wins a lot of these voters that aren’t traditional voters. They’re sort of may show up. They’re the voters that showed up in 2016, but they don’t show up for other elections. So I actually think that that group of voters may actually be moved. They may be slightly less likely to come out. I’m not talking about the Trump base. I’m talking about the people, the number that Biden needs to win in swing states. And some of those people are just not traditional voters. And so, it’s not clear to me what will make a difference, but I think that Biden world certainly has an opportunity here to take back the narrative and to sort of change where things are going.”

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