Be true Priests to your Fellowmen ❤️ The Lord's Mission to the Slave Traders

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“Be true Priests to your Fellowmen”…
The Lord’s Mission to the Slave Traders…

THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN – Volume 7, Chapter 165

Revealed by Jesus Christ thru the inner Word to Jakob Lorber

Chapter 165 – The Lord sends the slave-traders back to their own country

The Lord says:

1. When Nicodemus had said that, everything was quiet, and I called the slave-trader Hibram and his companions to Me and said to them: “You have heard and seen much in these few days, and have experienced many things. You know now, just like My disciples, what each man must do to reach the eternal life of his soul. If you will act and live in such a way, then you will certainly reach what I have promised everybody who will act and live according to My teaching. (GGJ07-2)

2. However, you as well have many things to atone for at home, the wrongs you have done as dark gentiles. Therefore, whenever this is possible, make up for all the injustice you have committed against your fellow men. For this you may already expect a true life blessing from Me. Attempt to pass on My teaching to other people as well, and see to it that, in the course of time, it will also be put into practice. Turn your ears and heart from fortune-tellers, and seek to bring the people in your country to conform to you, that you may be true priests to your fellow men. Then, before long, you shall receive a great treasure of spiritual gifts from Me!

3. On your way back to your homeland, do not speak of Me, for wherever it was necessary and where I knew that mature people were living for My teaching, I Myself have been there already with words and signs, and they have no need for more right now. However, when the time has come, I will pour out My Spirit over them. This will guide them into all truth. In short, on your way, make no mention of Me, or any other senseless and vain racket. Though, at home, you may well teach your people. Yet even there, speak not excessively of the signs, but most of all, remember My teaching alone, for the salvation of the people lies not in the signs that I have performed, but in My teaching, and especially in practicing it actively.

4. If you will teach in My name, then be not afraid, thinking too long about what you will say. If you will speak to the people in My name, then My Spirit will certainly put the right words into your heart. This is also the case for all those yet to come who will proclaim My teaching in My name.

5. Do not erect any temple for Me, and do not – like the gentiles – designate certain days of the year as special days. Instead, appoint a certain day of the week that appears most suitable for teaching, let the people come into your houses, and teach them. Share your bread with the poor as well, and do not accept special honor for it. Do not demand wages or an offering from anybody, because free of charge you have received it, and free of charge you shall distribute it to your fellow men! The reward for all this you may readily expect to receive from Me.

6. Should ever one of great wealth come along and freely grant you an offering of gratitude, then accept it and give it to the poor. However, you shall not consider the one who gave you the offering in My name more important than your poor brothers, so he will not grow proud and exalt himself above his poor brothers, but only grow in love for them. Then his offering will be accepted by Me, and My grace will be his reward for his good deed, and My blessing will reward his offering abundantly! For those who would grant you, My laborers, whom I have accepted into My service, such an offering, will offer it to Me, and their reward will not be left behind.

7. When you have instructed the people in this manner, in My name, then I will send you an apostle, who will, in My name as well, put his hands on those who believe, baptizing them thus in My Love, My wisdom and My power. They will receive the Holy Spirit out of God, thereby attaining the complete rebirth of their spirit within their soul, and the eternal life and the power thereof.

8. In brief you have now come to know what you must do in the future, and certainly will do. Therefore, receive My blessing and set out to your country, today, for tomorrow you would hardly be able to make progress, because it is a Jewish Sabbath.

9. Travel upon the broad road that leads to Galilee. Then, at about the third hour of the night you will reach a small locality. Remain there until morning, they will receive you very well there. From that point forward I will put into your hearts and thoughts the way you must follow in order to arrive back home in your country without issue. And so, you may go now right away, under My blessing that will protect and guide you!”

10. Hereupon Hibram gave thanks for everything, commended himself in My grace and left us.

11. Lazarus expressed surprise at the fact that these slave-traders did not say goodbye to the young ones they brought along with them.

12. Said I: “This I did not wish, and I had My wise reasons for it. The young ones are enjoying themselves very well on the northerly slope of this hill, and it would be unwise to disturb them. I have sent these men on their way in My name, and that was good, for they will spread a light where they live.

13. But now, let us have some more bread and wine brought along. I will yet choose others, strengthening and sending them out into the world. And so, do what I desire!”

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