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Elon Musk's Starlink Receives License Approval in Zimbabwe | Firstpost Africa

8 months ago

Elon Musk's Starlink Receives License Approval in
Zimbabwe | Firstpost Africa
Zimbabwe has officially granted an operating
license to Starlink. The country's President
Emmerson Mnangagwa said Starlink will provide 4
services through its sole and exclusive local
partner, IMC Communications. It is expected to
result in high-speed, low-cost internet throughout
Zimbabwe. According to the World Bank, only
34.8% of Zimbabwe's population had access to
the internet as of 2021. However, the entry of
Starlink will enhance connectivity even in the most
remote areas. The approval comes after Starlink's
services were earlier shut down in the country.
Last month, the country's telecommunications
regulator suspended the firm's operation until it
obtained licensing approval. This comes as Elon
Musk's firm is looking to expand its foothold in the
world's second-largest continent.
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