TARTARIA, RUSSIA & THE OLD WORLD. We find a location that is connected to the Astrakhan Tatars..

9 months ago

TARTARIA, RUSSIA & THE OLD WORLD. We find a location that is connected to the Astrakhan Tatars... We Find documented accounts of War Generals and Soldiers telling us that the leaders of the Wars were trying to release spiritual beings. Finding Tunnels of the Old World. Finding more clues to our hidden past. We also find a cliff in the middle of nowhere that needs to be exposed...and more
ANGELS HELPED BUILD THE OLD WORLD ? More than a little help from Angels? What have we found today? A hidden past. A civilization before us, that was possibly helped and guided by Angels. Is this documented? Today, we go further than before in investigating the true #history...
- My Lunch Break (https://m.youtube.com/@Mylunchbreak)
#secretHistory #hiddenTruth #subvertedHistory #mudflood #advancedHistory

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